Monday, July 31, 2006
Downtown Mexico City Semi-Paralized!
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Why do you need one million people?
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Mexico City's Zocalo
Before Christopher Columbus (Cristóbal Colón) came to America in 1492, Mexico City was called Tenochtitlan. The center of the huge Aztec empire was inside Lake Texcoco, and the center of town was the Zocalo. There were pyramids and other government buildings. This place has been important for mexican politics for more than four hundred years. Maybe only in Perú is there another plaza as old and as relevant for the human story. Tomorrow Andrés Manuel López Obrador is asking one million mexicans to protest at that historic place.
Right now his party, Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), is in control of the police and the city government. I was in that plaza in 1968 protesting, and the police did not want us there; maybe americans can have an idea of what I mean if they know what happened in Lincoln Park in Chicago in the summer of 1968 during the Democratic National Convention. Then Mayor Daley from the Democratic Party did not want protests in his city.
Tomorrow a million mexicans will meet in that historic plaza to protest, but you know what, now the protesters control the police. Keep tuned.
Next Mexican President?
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Friday, July 28, 2006
Free Education with RSS
This is a good service.
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
No light in Queens?
NYT(080106)There is no date for the restoration of electricity in a famous burough of New York City. The National Guard may be called. What is going on?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
This, is how it's done America!
According to Mexico City Police it was 1.1 million people.
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Information Processing Bound
Prof. Hsu from the University of Oregon has recently made public a fundamental result.
This result states the deep connection between two foundational concepts of physics; Information and Size.
The rate of Information processing cannot be bigger than the size of the device times 1085.
This is a tremendously big number, but it is not infinite.
Any device, no matter how big, cannot perform more than a certain number of computer operations per second. According to Hsu's bound, the mind of the Universe only has performed 10100 operations so far.
Friday, July 14, 2006
James Lovelock recently wrote the book
I write a few comments here. As I write I am listening the UN's debate on C-SPAN on the Israel-Lebanon War. I was born in 1949, one year later than the establishment of a new state in Palestine. Fifty seven years from then we are witnessing now the war between two semitic people, descendants of Abraham: the children of Ismael and of Isaac. When the children fight, the Earth, Gaia suffers. Our mother Gaia is sick. Lovelock does not think that she will die; but he is not so confident as to the future of the children of Abraham.
In more scientific terms the problem Lovelock's warns us about is relatively simple. The Sun is getting hot, the gases on the Earth's atmosphere are keeping more heat inside than is reflected back into space. The result is that most of us will be able to survive only moving North in the northern hemisphere, and South in the southern hemisphere.
Why should we believe Lovelock? He was the first or one of the first to recognize that the Earth-Sun system is more dynamic than previously thought. Once life starts on Earth it is unavoidable to establish feedback connections that control the temperature of the atmosphere. There is a balance between life, i.e. the biosphere, the temperature of the atmosphere and the Sun's temperature. There are indications that this balance is moving to a new point of equilibrium, that likely will make the Equator unhabitable.
We can choose to disregrad Lovelock's warning, I for one take him very seriously.
Triumph of the authoritarians
I recommend Dean's book. I see some Relevant Science in Dean's ideas. Followers of authoritarians do not ask questions. If true, that explains partly why DeLay does not explain us why he effectively took away the vote of minorities by redistrictering Texas voting places in the middle of census results. The census is every ten years, the next one is 2010, why 2006 is a moment to define the districts?
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Florida 2000, Ohio 2004, and Mexico 2006
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Claims of Election Fraud in Mexico: Why Mexico Deserves Better
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Mexican Presidential Election
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General Breaks Down While Speaking of Immigrant Father
General Pace, you are a man.
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Tesla: Master Of Lightning
Now Tesla is the unit of magnetic field. One Tesla is 10,000 Gauss. Both were great men, one studied small fields, the other big fields.
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Sunday, July 09, 2006
Power in Mexico II
Antonio Gershenson writes the above in today's La Jornada:
He is a physicist and a journalist. He believes that he uncovered a program used by the electoral comission in Mexico to fix the numbers, thus helping the government's party in the presidential election last Sunday.
The irregularity consists in having several polling sites with identical number of votes for the ruling party. These sites are related, but there is no reasonable explanation of why each has to have exactly the same number of votes for one candidate. One case is an acceptable accident, but the three reported by Mr. Gershenson, seem more like fraud than accident.
The last word has not been said. Yesterday there were hundreds of thousands of people in Mexico City's main plaza. The challenger asked them to bring ten friends and relatives next Sunday. We may have over a million angry voters in the Aztec capital. Every hundred years or so there seems to be restlessness in the land of the first people of this continent. Mexico did not start in 2000 when the current president took over, and will not end in this year of 2006.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Power in Mexico I

This graph by the Federal Elections Institute in Mexico can be analyzed.
It does not show statistical fluctuations. The challenger candidate was winning and near the end the incumbent party's candidate overtook him for a final photo finish. That is exciting in sports but unreal for statistical data.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Power in Mexico
"El político tabasqueño señaló que no hay duda de que se manipuló el PREP, y eso lo pueden demostrar, ya que tienen todas las pruebas. En una elección cerrada, "como aparentemente se está dando, cuando hablamos de 42 millones de votos, como en el conteo rápido, nunca hubo cruces de datos y siempre el candidato del PAN estuvo arriba, lo que estadística y matemáticamente es imposible"."
For those that do not read Spanish, the opposition candidate in Mexico, states that it is statistically and mathematically impossible to have a situation where one party, never more than 1 % above, is always above and never comes down.
I agree with him, even though through most of the night the opposition was less than 1 % above, at the end, the elections authority, ended up giving the race to the current government's party.
It seems that there is not going to be a winner before early Septemeber; by law the elections authority has to resolve this election by then.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Is there any relevant science here?
Politics is relevant, that is how power is established. A president affects the lives of many people. The question is that if science is an issue in this important event of mexican life.
There are some technical issues related to the election, like the official count update stopped on monday night:
Today the electoral commission is counting the ballots to reach a definite conclusion.
From a technical point of view this shows that electoral processes have not used the most current technology for counting votes.
One scientific issue I can consider here is the statistical distribution of random processes, in most random events events follow the law of big numbers, leading to a bell-shaped curve. I do not have graphs for the election yet, but if there was tampering with the numbers, those curves could be one of the places where one can look for illegal intervention to modify the results.