Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Fractal Mind

I am reading Richard Ogle's Small World. I just read about emergence of system properties by linking idea spaces that were disconnected. The interesting thought that came to my mind, is that inside the brain of the agents in this emerging idea space connections, also have connected regions that get connected as a consequence of the external event. He says that the same network laws are operating at both levels, inside and outside the brain. Even though he doesn't indicate it, this self contained structure, like a Russian Matryoshka Doll, is a fractal.

Ogle is saying then, that the mind outside follows the laws of the mind inside, these are network laws.

Therefore if the laws are the same, then there is similarity between our brains that already exist, and these emerging minds that we we keep incorporating to our own minds, creating a new Mind at Large.

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