When Mr. Bush officially takes his leave in three weeks (in reality, he checked out long ago), most Americans will be content to sigh good riddance. I disagree. I don’t think he should be allowed to slip quietly out of town. There should be a great hue and cry — a loud, collective angry howl, demonstrations with signs and bullhorns and fiery speech
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Lipan Apache to Obama: Stop Border Wall
Apache in Texas sent a strong message to President-elect Obama to halt the construction of the border wall. Eloisa Tamez said Homeland Security is attempting to build the wall north of the border, on Lipan Apache land, and deny them access to their lands south of the levee. "We have had enough lawlessness in Texas at our expense,"
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Why You Might Be Using Linux in 2009
Whatever you do, 2009 is looking to be a big year. That no exception when it comes to Linux. Applications and large projects continue to develop and make major releases multiple times per year. And while every year people predict that the next might be “The Year” for Linux adoption, here’s a list of some major products and trends that will play..
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Israel bombs university in Gaza
Israeli air force jets have bombed the Islamic University in the Gaza Strip, a significant cultural symbol for Hamas. Israel has threatened to launch a ground assault and is now calling up 6,500 army reservists. Witnesses in Gaza said they saw six separate air strikes on the Islamic University, hitting a laboratory building, just after midnight.
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Israeli Aircraft Continue Raids on Gaza; Arab Anger Rises
The Israeli army declared some areas around Gaza “closed military zones,” as Israeli aircraft attacked key Hamas symbols of power, raising the death toll to more than 300.
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Four Decades After Milgram, We’re Still Willing to Inf
It appears that ordinary Americans are about as willing to blindly follow orders to inflict pain on an innocent stranger as they were four decades ago.
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Fifty Herbert Hoovers
Even as Washington tries to rescue the economy, the nation will be reeling from the actions of 50 Herbert Hoovers — state governors who are slashing spending in a time of recession.
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Win, Win, Win, Win, Win ...with a
We have got to stop “taking off the table” the gasoline tax, the tool that would add leverage to everything we want to do at home & abroad. It’s a blessing for those who've been hammered by the economy are getting a break at the pump. But for our long-term health, getting re-addicted to oil & gas guzzlers is one of the dumbest things we could do.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Time to Reboot America
We don’t just need a bailout in this country, we need a national makeover. That is why the next few months are among the most important in U.S. history.
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The Coming Oil Train Wreck
Only a true contrarian can worry about high oil prices, shortages and global economic shockwaves when the price of oil has fallen from $147 to under $40 per barrel in less than six months and gasoline is now less than $2 a gallon! I should be singing “Happy (driving) days are here again,” but I’m not. The facts speak otherwise, and the time for pr
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Monday, December 22, 2008
Two Shoes for Democracy
The message behind an Iraqi journalist’s insulting gesture — which was in a sense a democratic act — is that the Green Zone should be eliminated.
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Life Without Bubbles
It may take a lot longer than many people think before the United States economy is ready to live without bubbles. And until then, the economy is going to need a lot of government help.
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Sunday, December 21, 2008
On Friday I heard a presentation on how some isolated people in the State of Guerrero, weigh and measure, and sell.
The idea is that fairness determines good measurements. If somebody doesn't measure right, cutomers don't come back.
Today I am downtown Chilpancingo, this is Guerrero State Capital. Old ladies, kids, everybody, is waiting for an annual Christmas celebration, "El Pendón".
I believe there is some kind of penance. Actual pain inflicted on some young people.
Is this fair?
Fairness is a socially constructed institution.
Yesterday I saw "Rudo y Cursi", the new film with Diego Luna, and Gael García Bernal, the Mexican heartrobs from "Y Tú Mamá También" fame.
One issue is if life is fair.
Franck Rich writes today on the NYT (below) about a fairness movie from India: "Slumdog Millionaire"
I find it fascinating that in the poorest county of Mexico, near Metlatónoc , fairness sets weighs and measurements.
This is a discovery for me, and thinking about it, it is to be expected.
The idea is that fairness determines good measurements. If somebody doesn't measure right, cutomers don't come back.
Today I am downtown Chilpancingo, this is Guerrero State Capital. Old ladies, kids, everybody, is waiting for an annual Christmas celebration, "El Pendón".
I believe there is some kind of penance. Actual pain inflicted on some young people.
Is this fair?
Fairness is a socially constructed institution.
Yesterday I saw "Rudo y Cursi", the new film with Diego Luna, and Gael García Bernal, the Mexican heartrobs from "Y Tú Mamá También" fame.
One issue is if life is fair.
Franck Rich writes today on the NYT (below) about a fairness movie from India: "Slumdog Millionaire"
I find it fascinating that in the poorest county of Mexico, near Metlatónoc , fairness sets weighs and measurements.
This is a discovery for me, and thinking about it, it is to be expected.
Who Wants to Kick a Millionaire?
Without transparency and accountability in Washington, as well as on Wall Street, no one will trust the system.The Treasury prefers to look at “general metrics” indicating the program’s overall effect on the economy. Well, we know what the “general metrics” tell us already: the effect so far is nil.
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Friday, December 19, 2008
Obama to name pro-union Rep. Hilda Solis to Labor post - Los
The California congresswoman is a leader in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and is called a coalition-builder.
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Hope Amid the Gloom
Even as Americans by the thousands sign up for jobless benefits, or line up to declare bankruptcy, or stand aside as their homes are foreclosed upon, there are some slender reasons to hope.
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Shocker: Gonzales And Rice Appear To Have Lied To Congress
The information the Oversight Committee has received casts serious doubt on the veracity of the representations that Mr. Gonzales made on behalf of Dr. Rice.
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It Costs Digg $5 Million a Year to Run the Internet
Perhaps Digg really is the future of the news business. The headline-discussion site, once an icon of the Web 2.0 movement, is losing millions of dollars a year.
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Capitalism as a Ponzi Scheme
Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman tells us that Maddox was not alone, there were many enablers; now it seems from the NYT reporters, that it was worldwide. A Globalized Ponzi Scheme.
Is this the way it ends?
I hope not.
How long can I keep writing I hope not. That is a complete lack of intellectual ambition. Can I understand this mess?
U. Krey makes an effort to make sense of this (below). Here is my five cents worth.
Capitalism always lacked moral fiber.
Socialism was a fools illusion.
What do we have?
The only way out I see, is that you and me, all together, start to talk with each other, because a hard rain is going to come.
Bush is no educated man; by now he's just following orders, if he wasn't doing that all along.
I have a poll on the side this week. I did not know what to expect, it turns out that the hard hearted ones outnumber the softies.
My mother almost never received a salary. Now the Government of the Legitimate President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador legislated that ALL people after a certain age receive a pension from the city coffers. My mother is very happy with that political decision. She did not receive a salary most of her life, before she married, she was a secretary in Chilpancingo, the city I am living in now. She did a superb job raising my siblings and me. She deserves every last penny the city is giving her now.
I understand that everybody in line gets upset if somebody jumps ahead of the line. But, guys, the sky is falling, we have to pull in together.
The only way out I see to this calamity is Solidarity.
There you have it, call me idealistic, but seriously I do not see any other way out, to keep progress going.
Is this the way it ends?
I hope not.
How long can I keep writing I hope not. That is a complete lack of intellectual ambition. Can I understand this mess?
U. Krey makes an effort to make sense of this (below). Here is my five cents worth.
Capitalism always lacked moral fiber.
Socialism was a fools illusion.
What do we have?
The only way out I see, is that you and me, all together, start to talk with each other, because a hard rain is going to come.
Bush is no educated man; by now he's just following orders, if he wasn't doing that all along.
I have a poll on the side this week. I did not know what to expect, it turns out that the hard hearted ones outnumber the softies.
My mother almost never received a salary. Now the Government of the Legitimate President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador legislated that ALL people after a certain age receive a pension from the city coffers. My mother is very happy with that political decision. She did not receive a salary most of her life, before she married, she was a secretary in Chilpancingo, the city I am living in now. She did a superb job raising my siblings and me. She deserves every last penny the city is giving her now.
I understand that everybody in line gets upset if somebody jumps ahead of the line. But, guys, the sky is falling, we have to pull in together.
The only way out I see to this calamity is Solidarity.
There you have it, call me idealistic, but seriously I do not see any other way out, to keep progress going.
Madoff Scheme Kept Rippling Outward, Across Borders
Bernard L. Madoff’s fraud, the first worldwide Ponzi scheme, lasted longer, reached wider and cut deeper than anything like it in history.
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Eugenia León
Concierto de 1997 en la Sala Nezahualcóyotl interpretando a Agustín Lara en esta versión Eugenia reune el color del tango en esta parte interpretado por el Bandoneón de César Olguín y el grupo de Eugenia León y en la segunda parte se suma la Danzonera Dimas dirigida por el maestro Felipe Pérez. Por cierto, en ese concierto Eugenia se encontraba ...
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On the Financial Crisis 2008 from a Physicist's viewpoint:
In an informal way, a small number of thoughts on the financial crisis 2008 are presentedfrom a physicist’s viewpoint, considering the problem as a nonergodicity transition of aspin-glass type of system. Some tentative suggestions concerning the way out of the crisisare also discussed, concerning Keynesian deficit spending methods, tax reduct
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GM Down!
This is the equivalent of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989.
I am scared, this looks ominous.
The Model T was introduced on October 1, 1908. A new age for civilization started, production lines for cars. Extending the idea by Samuel Colt:
"Colt never claimed to have invented the revolver, as his design was merely a more practical adaption of Collier's revolving flintlock (which was patented in England and achieved great popularity there).[5] He did, however, greatly contribute to interchangeable parts. "Unhappy with high cost of hand made guns, and with the knowledge that some parts of guns were currently being made by machine, Colt wanted all the parts on every colt gun to be interchangeable and made by machine. His goal was the assembly line."[citation needed] In a letter to his father Samuel Colt wrote, “The first workman would receive two or three of the most important parts…and would affix these and pass them on to the next who add a part and pass the growing article on to another who would do the same, and so on until the complete arm is put together.”[citation needed]"
This paragraph taken from Wikipedia sets the timetable of the idea presented here. Colt's work started in the third decade of the nineteenth century.
We have in front of us almost two hundred years of Human History. The American Golden Age. Progress.
Is this the end of progress?
I hope not.
I am scared, this looks ominous.
The Model T was introduced on October 1, 1908. A new age for civilization started, production lines for cars. Extending the idea by Samuel Colt:
"Colt never claimed to have invented the revolver, as his design was merely a more practical adaption of Collier's revolving flintlock (which was patented in England and achieved great popularity there).[5] He did, however, greatly contribute to interchangeable parts. "Unhappy with high cost of hand made guns, and with the knowledge that some parts of guns were currently being made by machine, Colt wanted all the parts on every colt gun to be interchangeable and made by machine. His goal was the assembly line."[citation needed] In a letter to his father Samuel Colt wrote, “The first workman would receive two or three of the most important parts…and would affix these and pass them on to the next who add a part and pass the growing article on to another who would do the same, and so on until the complete arm is put together.”[citation needed]"
This paragraph taken from Wikipedia sets the timetable of the idea presented here. Colt's work started in the third decade of the nineteenth century.
We have in front of us almost two hundred years of Human History. The American Golden Age. Progress.
Is this the end of progress?
I hope not.
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Bush Approves $17.4 Billion Auto Bailout
The $13.4 billion in short-term financing and $4 billion at a later date are intended to prevent the collapse of General Motors and Chrysler.
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Getting Beyond Camelot
Caroline Kennedy is a very capable woman, but that is no reason she should be handed Hillary Clinton’s soon-to-be-vacated United States Senate seat.
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The Madoff Economy
The vast riches achieved by those who managed other people’s money have had a corrupting effect on our society as a whole.
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Send in the Celebrities
The mediocrity of New York politics are such that those with reservations about giving the Senate job to Caroline Kennedy often wind up with: “Why pick her when we could have — um ...”
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Pan Am Dies, America Lives
The cost of saving the auto industry could be a loss of the vitality that has defined the U.S.
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The Standard Cosmological Model
If you have been reading this blog since the beginning, you are definitely in a minority. I know I have been writing and reading these posts. I wanted to challenge my high school charges; I felt responsible for their science education, smart kids from Lombard Illinois. Relevant Science is science that those students, and hopefully, somebody else, would be interested in.
Entering the fourth year since then, I find myself sorrounded by equally bright, college age young people. I hope this is relevant for more readers than my intended audience.
This week there was an important announcement from the Chandra Collaboration about the Universe (below).
The Universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating!
We are made of a minority material in the Universe. Just like King Midas, we are made of stuff in the 4% or less, abundance category. Most of the Universe is made of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
Benjamin Freivogel just announced his hypothesis that Dark Matter is mainly made out of Axions. Many years ago Roberto Peccei and Helen Quinn proposed the existence of this particle to explain violation of CP, or lack of it, in Strong Interactions. Using the Anthropic Principle, Freivogel, makes a strong argument in favor of the Dark Matter as Axion proposal.
This week we learn that indeed, there is Dark Energy. Ten years ago Perlmutter and Riess found supernova stars that were farther than they should be, according to the now, Old Standard Cosmological Model. This week as I said, a completely different way to look at the problem has confirmed that interpretation of the supernovae observations.
Dark Energy stunts the growth of Clusters of Galaxies, the largest objects known, besides the observable Universe itself. These are like little universes, formed by accumulating galaxies with the force that Newton proposed more than three hundred years ago, now (1687, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica) , and getting pushed away by Dark Energy. The clusters are not as big as they could've been without this negative energy.
As always we find out that we live on the edge, not only attraction, a little repulsion, not only heat, also some cold air. The Goldilocks Principle in action.
We are made of a minority material, living in the most auspicious Universe we could think of.
Some people get satisfaction from this idea, like an Angel is taking care of us. Risking being considered ungrateful, my instincts make me prefer the idea, that we are where we can be, we are not where we cannot be. Mexico, and Chilpancingo, are some of the best places in the whole Universe to be, and here I am.
Dark Energy
For the first time, astronomers have clearly seen the effects of dark energy on the most massive collapsed objects in the Universe using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. By tracking how dark energy has stifled the growth of galaxy clusters and combining this with previous studies, scientists have obtained the best clues ever about what dark energy
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Alice Beck Kehoe: Overturning Anthropology Dogma
Since the [Tender] Age of 16.Her finalist project: A paper arguing that Native Americans had contact with other cultures from across the Pacific
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Brown Confirms Pullout From Iraq
On a surprise visit, Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain said with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq that British forces would leave in the first half of 2009.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Fixing Interior
As secretary of the interior, Ken Salazar’s most urgent task will be to remove the influence of politics and ideology from decisions that are best left to science.
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The Great Unraveling
Our banking crisis has made it increasingly clear that the U.S. and China are becoming two countries, one system. But they appear to be on very different historical trajectories.
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Mexico oil output woes, hedges dim OPEC appeal
MEXICO CITY, Dec 15 (Reuters) - OPEC's call for Mexico to help shore up oil prices is likely to fall on deaf ears among policymakers already fretting about sliding oil output and as a massive hedge shields 2009 government revenues.
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Chandra Cluster Cosmology Project III: Cosmological Paramete
Chandra observations of large samples of galaxy clusters detected in X-rays by ROSAT provide a new, robust determination of the cluster mass functions at low and high redshifts. Statistical and systematic errors are now sufficiently small, and the redshift leverage sufficiently large for the mass function evolution to be used as a useful growth of
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Dark Energy Stunts Galaxies’ Growth
After bulking up rapidly in the first 10 billion years of cosmic time, clusters of galaxies, have grown very little during the last five billion years, astronomers said.
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Obama’s $10 Billion Promise Stirs Hope in Early Educat
The $10 billion that President-elect Barack Obama has pledged for preschoolers would be the largest such initiative since Head Start began in 1965.
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Two Cheers for Rod Blagojevich -What this really means 4 US.
Gov. Rod Blagojevich of Illinois is a timely national whipping boy for an era of corruption and profound lack of accountability.
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Revealed: Whistleblower Who Exposed Warrantless Wiretapping
- Meet the man we have to thank for telling the truth! Thomas M. Tamm was entrusted with some of the government's most important secrets. He had a Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance, a level above Top Secret. Government agents had probed Tamm's background, his friends and associates, and determined him trustworthy.
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Nobel economist calls for gold standard, blames Keynesians
John Forbes Nash Jr., Ph.D., winner of the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, discusses the need for gold standard or other standard capable of fighting inflation & blames Keynesian economic theories which have sold the public on the notion that inflation is acceptable, leading to bad mortgage loans which led to the economic meltdown
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Finding distant Earths faster
Habitable extrasolar planets could be found easier than ever thanks to new technology.
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Monday, December 15, 2008
A pair of shoes make a historic goodbye
George W. Bush paid a surprise, farewell visit to Iraq and during the press conference with the Iraqi president next to him an Iraqi reporter stood up and shouted, "This is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog!" and he threw his shoes.
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Eight Hours Kidnapping
As you can read below, I was almost inside a building taken over by dissatisfied young men and women without a teaching position after they already finished their studies.
Today I found out that the people inside the building were forced to be there for eight hours.
It was good that I did not insist on getting in. I worked in my office instead that day.
Today I found out that the people inside the building were forced to be there for eight hours.
It was good that I did not insist on getting in. I worked in my office instead that day.
Hard Task for New Team on Energy and Climate
After the president-elect introduced some new members of his team, aides confirmed that he would select Senator Ken Salazar as interior secretary.
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Hawking Predicts Discovery of Alien Life
On the 50th anniversary of NASA, Stephen Hawking, Newton's heir as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, answered the question, “Are we alone?” His answer was short and simple; probably not!
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Children's Revolution
Greece lives hard times.
Incompetent adults and upset children are not a good combination.
The simplest description is that a young man was killed by a police bullet. The Police Department claims the bullet was shot up and fell on the boy, the children say it was pointed at them. The boy is dead.
In the note below you can see that young people in Greece can hope to start their careers with €700. They don't feel that is enough.
Is this a new round of the battle between the young and the old?
Incompetent adults and upset children are not a good combination.
The simplest description is that a young man was killed by a police bullet. The Police Department claims the bullet was shot up and fell on the boy, the children say it was pointed at them. The boy is dead.
In the note below you can see that young people in Greece can hope to start their careers with €700. They don't feel that is enough.
Is this a new round of the battle between the young and the old?
A Scandal in Chicago That Justifies Investigative Journalism
Newspapers, smacked around for lacking relevance the last few years, have found a compelling spokesman: Rod R. Blagojevich, the governor of Illinois.
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How police shooting of a teenager rallied the €700Generation
The teenagers and twenty-somethings who have come close to toppling the Greek government are not the marginalised: this is no replay of the riots that convulsed Paris in 2005. Many are sons and daughters of the middle classes, shocked at the killing of one of their own, disgusted with the government's incompetence and corruption
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A Church in Guantánamo
A sermon on the Parable of the Tenants provokes thought about New York’s financial disaster, based on greed for redoubled assets, and the economic ravages of Cuba’s head-in-the-ground Communism.
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Friday, December 12, 2008
With HP in, all OEMs now ship desktop Linux
Lord knows it took HP long enough, but the PC giant has finally started shipping a pre-configured Linux on a desktop Linux. Hallelujah! Now, all the major PC OEMs are shipping at least one Linux desktop.
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Setting up Sun VirtualBox 6 under Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid
I’ve been happily using VMWare’s VMWorkstation to test software setups in virtual machines for about a year. With my new Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid test setup, I decided to try Sun’s VirtualBox virtualization system. I chose Sun’s distribution over the OSE version primarily because of its improved USB support. Both are free, but Sun’s version sports some
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Google Chrome Comes Out of Beta
Yesterday at the Le Web 08 conference in Paris, Google VP Marissa Mayer told TechCrunch's Mike Arrington that the move would be happening, but she did not say when. Google representatives have confirmed the Thursday change of status for Chrome.
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Mr. Obama’s Green Team
Conservationists hail President-elect Barack Obama’s choices for his top energy and environmental jobs as “a Green Dream Team.” Let’s hope it is.
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Antikythera - 2000 yr old Greek Computer Comes Back to Life
Curator Michael Wright shows off his model of the Antikythera mechanism. The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient Greek clockwork machine found in a shipwreck, that has taken more than a century to decipher. Wright's handmade reconstruction is the first to include all the known features of this complex device.
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Sky Show Tonight: Biggest, Brightest Full Moon of 2008
Don't expect to spot an Apollo lunar lander. But tonight, weather permitting, sky-watchers around the world will see the biggest and brightest full moon of 2008.
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Nobel physicist to run energy agency
By choosing Nobel-prizewinning physicist Steven Chu to head the Department of Energy (DoE), US President-elect Barack Obama has sent a clear message: solving climate issues in a world dependent on fossil fuels will depend on science coming up with new energy technologies.
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Even Workers Surprised by Success of Factory Sit-In
By the time their six-day sit-in ended, the 240 laid-off workers at Republic Windows and Doors had become national symbols of worker discontent.
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Organizing Astronomy Activities
Wednesday and Thursday were organizing days for me. The School of Mathematics in Chilpancingo was invited to the activities of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009). In 1609 Galileo Galilei turned the telescope he build, towards the Moon. For the first time a human being saw the craters in our satellite and other details in nearby planets. A new era started.
UNESCO invited all countries of the world to participate in the activities of the IYA2009.
A meeting was scheduled for December 10. When I arrived, a regular size crowd of young people with a few older men, were surrounding the building I wanted to go in. I asked what was going on, and was told that they wanted teaching positions in this State of Guerrero. I told them my concern was Astronomy, and they responded that I should join their movement, and I said that they should join mine, the Astronomy movement. Eventually I talked to the organizers of the Astronomy meeting. Since I couldn't go in, these government workers inside the building told me from inside, that the meeting was being rescheduled, and that they would email me later.
Is it possible to observe the sky with telescopes, when these future teachers are asking the very same government to let them teach?
I don't know the answer to that, but as I have always done in this country of mine, I will continue to pursue scientific activities, keeping my eyes open for any eventuality. I could've requested these young people to let me in, but then, what if they decide that I cannot go out? I rather play it safe.
The next day I went to Puebla, a five hour ride in the middle of the night. I was invited to talk about the work I'm doing now. At dawn I started to walk in the town where my children were born and my wife and I took them around receiving all kinds of compliments on their good looks; this brought memories; I felt nostalgic. The nice restaraunt at the Zocalo where my wife liked to eat, "La Princesa", and she was treated with so much attention, is not there anymore. Downtown is going through a gentrification stage that erases all the places I had such good times in.
Eventually I found my way where the talk was going to be. I talked to my old buddies, they were very happy to see me, old students and colleagues, even the janitor was pleased to see me! I was overwhelmed. I felt like coming from the dead to the joyous reception of the people that had missed me in my absence, I was hugging my friends and kissing the women on the cheek, as we do in Mexico. I used to kiss my father until I reached puberty; after that I stopped, only to continue with that custome once I was more secure in my identity. We are a warmth seeking and giving bunch.
The talked went well, they were interested, and there were questions.
Later I talked business, they are going to help us organize these IYA2009 activiites. Also we are going to collaborate; both schools have math education programs. I hope we can help them, and they can help us. Two universities working together are better than working apart.
Who cares about Astronomy? I do, and the late Luis Rivera Terrazas that hired me at Puebla did.
Our time through this life is finite, but while we are around, we can choose to look up to the skies, like Galileo Galilei did four hundred years ago.
UNESCO invited all countries of the world to participate in the activities of the IYA2009.
A meeting was scheduled for December 10. When I arrived, a regular size crowd of young people with a few older men, were surrounding the building I wanted to go in. I asked what was going on, and was told that they wanted teaching positions in this State of Guerrero. I told them my concern was Astronomy, and they responded that I should join their movement, and I said that they should join mine, the Astronomy movement. Eventually I talked to the organizers of the Astronomy meeting. Since I couldn't go in, these government workers inside the building told me from inside, that the meeting was being rescheduled, and that they would email me later.
Is it possible to observe the sky with telescopes, when these future teachers are asking the very same government to let them teach?
I don't know the answer to that, but as I have always done in this country of mine, I will continue to pursue scientific activities, keeping my eyes open for any eventuality. I could've requested these young people to let me in, but then, what if they decide that I cannot go out? I rather play it safe.
The next day I went to Puebla, a five hour ride in the middle of the night. I was invited to talk about the work I'm doing now. At dawn I started to walk in the town where my children were born and my wife and I took them around receiving all kinds of compliments on their good looks; this brought memories; I felt nostalgic. The nice restaraunt at the Zocalo where my wife liked to eat, "La Princesa", and she was treated with so much attention, is not there anymore. Downtown is going through a gentrification stage that erases all the places I had such good times in.
Eventually I found my way where the talk was going to be. I talked to my old buddies, they were very happy to see me, old students and colleagues, even the janitor was pleased to see me! I was overwhelmed. I felt like coming from the dead to the joyous reception of the people that had missed me in my absence, I was hugging my friends and kissing the women on the cheek, as we do in Mexico. I used to kiss my father until I reached puberty; after that I stopped, only to continue with that custome once I was more secure in my identity. We are a warmth seeking and giving bunch.
The talked went well, they were interested, and there were questions.
Later I talked business, they are going to help us organize these IYA2009 activiites. Also we are going to collaborate; both schools have math education programs. I hope we can help them, and they can help us. Two universities working together are better than working apart.
Who cares about Astronomy? I do, and the late Luis Rivera Terrazas that hired me at Puebla did.
Our time through this life is finite, but while we are around, we can choose to look up to the skies, like Galileo Galilei did four hundred years ago.
Alcatel-Lucent Plans 1,000 Job Cuts
The limited cuts -- 1.3 percent of Alcatel-Lucent’s work force -- disappointed analysts who had been expecting a more fundamental reorganization.
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Millions come to See the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico City
December 12th is the feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and attracts millions of pilgrims to the Basilica in Northern Mexico City where the image of the Virgin Mary is displayed. If the Virgin of Guadalupe is your Patron Saint, feliz dia de santo!
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Greek protests spread to European cities
Anger over the fatal shooting of a Greek teenager by a policeman has spread across Europe with disturbances in a string of cities.From Madrid to Moscow, Greeks living abroad, left-wing activists and other sympathisers took part in demonstrations in solidarity with the six days of rioting which has hit Greece.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Good News From Illinois
These are troubled times when people yearn for diversion, so feel free to indulge in a little schadenfreude at the expense of the governor of Illinois.
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Cranial Computing: Practical Brain-to-Cyber Interfaces Close
People suffering from physically debilitating illnesses such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (aka Lou Gehrig's Disease) and traumatic brain injuries often find themselves trapped inside their own bodies, unable to speak, gesture or otherwise communicate with the outside world. Scientists have shown they can create computer interfaces that sense,
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Giant Black Hole Found in Center of Our Galaxy
There is a giant black hole at the center of our galaxy, a study has confirmed. German astronomers tracked the movement of 28 stars circling the centre of the Milky Way, using the European Southern Observatory in Chile. The black hole is four million times heavier than our Sun, according to the paper in The Astrophysical Journal.
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Carbon dioxide detected in a land far, far away: Scientific
A poorly kept secret is now official: the Hubble Space Telescope has discovered carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere of a planet outside our solar system. That's a first in the study of extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, which have been quite the hot topic this year.
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Violence in Chilpancingo
The other day the head of an army person showed up in a plastic bucket near my place.
When I walk around it feels safe. I've always made a practice of walking around wherever I live. Late at night I've crossed the whole town, to the dismay of my friends and relatives. What to do?
Right now I am peacefully sitting at my desk writing this. There is no sense of danger whatsoever, I know the people around me well enough to trust them. A strange feeling makes me realize that not all is fun and games in Chilpancingo.
These men or women, leave messages near the heads of their victims. They want to scare us. One thing is to kill and enemy and go hide, and another is to put his head in a public place with a badly written message to address us all.
There is a more innocuous symbol that bothers me. Graffiti.
It is not that I keep my spaces neat, and don't like to see the mess that young people make. My children's rooms, I believe, are spaces to encourage their creativity, even though sometimes they themselves express concern that the house is "too messy".
What bothers me, is that the children that make graffiti are trying to tell us something, and I don't know what it is. Paraphrasing Bob Dylan:
Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?
What are these people, younger than me, leaving heads three blocks away from my house, trying to tell us?
When I walk around it feels safe. I've always made a practice of walking around wherever I live. Late at night I've crossed the whole town, to the dismay of my friends and relatives. What to do?
Right now I am peacefully sitting at my desk writing this. There is no sense of danger whatsoever, I know the people around me well enough to trust them. A strange feeling makes me realize that not all is fun and games in Chilpancingo.
These men or women, leave messages near the heads of their victims. They want to scare us. One thing is to kill and enemy and go hide, and another is to put his head in a public place with a badly written message to address us all.
There is a more innocuous symbol that bothers me. Graffiti.
It is not that I keep my spaces neat, and don't like to see the mess that young people make. My children's rooms, I believe, are spaces to encourage their creativity, even though sometimes they themselves express concern that the house is "too messy".
What bothers me, is that the children that make graffiti are trying to tell us something, and I don't know what it is. Paraphrasing Bob Dylan:
Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?
What are these people, younger than me, leaving heads three blocks away from my house, trying to tell us?
Killings in Drug War in Mexico Double in ’08
Mexico’s attorney general tied the increase in deaths to a battle for control among cartels and a power vacuum created by high-profile arrests and seizures.
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Climate change: The carbon atlas
New figures published today confirm that China has overtaken the US as the largest emitter of CO2. This interactive emissions map shows how the rest of the world compares. Global C02 emissions totalled 29,195m tonnes in 2006 – up 2.4% on 2005
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Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Iraq withdrawal 'begins in March'
British forces should begin pulling out of Iraq by next March, a senior defence source has revealed to the BBC.The UK has been negotiating the legal basis on which its forces can stay in the Gulf state when its UN mandate expires at the end of the year.
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Roll Over, Abe Lincoln
Gov. Rod Blagojevich even used financing for a hospital as leverage points for a shakedown. Abe probably did a triple lutz in his grave.
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While Detroit Slept
Someone is already developing an alternative to Detroit’s business model. I don’t know if it will work, but I do know that it can be done — and Detroit isn’t doing it.
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Frugal Traveler: In the Village of the Zapatistas
The Frugal Traveler, Matt Gross, enters a village run by an armed, largely indigenous rebel group in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico.
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The Opinionator: Who’s Who in Illinois?
Much speculation on the identities of the senate candidates in the Rod Blagojevich scandal.
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Illinois Governor in Corruption Scandal
The case extended beyond the Senate appointment and left many wondering who else might yet be implicated in Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich’s negotiations.
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Monday, December 08, 2008
Winners of Prestigious Student Science Awards Are Named
Among the winners of the Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology was Wen Chyan, a 17-year-old high school senior who received a $100,000 scholarship.
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Hidden Travels of the Atomic Bomb
Atomic insiders say the weapon was invented only once, and its secrets were spread around the globe by spies, scientists and the covert acts of nuclear states.
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FT.com / Americas - Oil price drop casts cloud over Pemex re
While Mexican legislators were discussing legislation to increase oil exploration and production last July, Mexico’s crude oil mix hit a record $132.71 a barrel. The government’s coffers were filling at breakneck speed and, with a few exceptions, there were smiles all round.
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Krugman: US Auto Industry Will Probably Disappear
Nobel economics prize winner Paul Krugman said Sunday that the beleaguered U.S. auto industry will likely disappear.
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As a Memoirist, a Chilean Diplomat Takes Off the White Glove
Heraldo Muñoz overcame his initial reluctance to write about his past when he realized that General Pinochet had affected an entire generation in Chile.
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Sunday, December 07, 2008
A Lifestyle Distinct: The Muxe of Mexico
In the southern state of Oaxaca, Mexico, the local Zapotec people have made room for “muxes” — men who consider themselves women.
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The Real Generation X
To reverse the damage caused by this generation of greedy adults, we will not only need to bail out industries of the past but to build up industries of the future.
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The Brightest Are Not Always the Best
Long before the phase “the best and the brightest” became the accolade du jour, it was meant to strike a sardonic, not a flattering, note.
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How To Create A Custom Splashimage For GRUB
If, like me, the default black background of the GRUB menu looks boring to you or if you would like to change the default backdrop to something of your choice, like your girlfriend’s photo for example, then follow along!
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Juarez murders shine light on an emerging ‘Military Cartel’
Common sense seems to dictate that something is awry with Calderon’s game plan (and the U.S. plan to send his government some $1.5 billion worth of special training and equipment via Plan Mexico) — leaving aside the question of whether Calderon is simply a fool who doesn’t have control of his own military or is actually complicit in the corruption.
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Saturday, December 06, 2008
9 headless bodies found in Mexican border city
The bodies of nine decapitated men were found in a vacant lot in Tijuana Sunday, part of a wave of violence that claimed at least 23 lives over the weekend in this border city plagued by warring traffickers, authorities said
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Stephen Hawking named to Canadian research post
Internationally renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has been appointed to the post of distinguished research chair at a quantum theory and cosmology institute founded by Research In Motion co-CEO Mike Lazaridis. Hawking will...
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Obama Pledges Massive Public Works Project
President-elect Barack Obama committed Saturday to the largest public works building program since the creation of the interstate highway system a half century ago as he seeks to put together a plan to resuscitate the reeling economy.
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Harvard Lightning Rod Finds Path to Renewal With Obama
Lawrence H. Summers has worked to repair his damaged reputation since he was forced out as Harvard’s president.
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Paul Krugman Nobel Prize News Conference
Princeton economist Paul Krugman, acclaimed in his field for insights into international trade patterns that overturned longheld theories about the global economy before he rose to popular distinction as a media columnist and commentator, has been awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in economics.
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The Senate, Snowe and Dinkytown
Saxby Chambliss’s victory in Georgia means that Republicans will have at least 41 seats in the Senate, and if they stick together, the party has the capacity to stop a bill in its tracks.
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Unique Extrasolar Planet Discovered By Students
Three undergraduate students, from Leiden University in the Netherlands, have discovered an extrasolar planet. The extraordinary find, which turned up during their research project, is about five times as massive as Jupiter. This is also the first planet discovered orbiting a fast-rotating hot star.
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Taking Stock
During the last month of each year we try to make sense of our lives.
I will start with the easy parts and move on to the "heavy" stuff.
I am happily using Ubuntu 8.10, so far so good.
I will get a bonus, not for the full year but it is something.
I started using Python and TeX.
I am writing the much promised, to myself, Discrete Mechanics proposal for high school.
An explanation for the dark matter seems in sight, through the Axion (Freivogel), and a measurement of Planck's time seems to be in the net. (Craig Hogan).
That is the good part.
The bad part:
Mexico's peso is going down the drain, two cousins just died. Guerrero does not have a Physics Department.
Summer of 2009 casts a black shadow, as worrisome as the 2012 end of the world "prediction, based on the Mayan rocks".
Where will I be in the next few years?
I am determined to keep working as hard as I can, and make sure my kids make it beyond my time on this Earth.
I will start with the easy parts and move on to the "heavy" stuff.
I am happily using Ubuntu 8.10, so far so good.
I will get a bonus, not for the full year but it is something.
I started using Python and TeX.
I am writing the much promised, to myself, Discrete Mechanics proposal for high school.
An explanation for the dark matter seems in sight, through the Axion (Freivogel), and a measurement of Planck's time seems to be in the net. (Craig Hogan).
That is the good part.
The bad part:
Mexico's peso is going down the drain, two cousins just died. Guerrero does not have a Physics Department.
Summer of 2009 casts a black shadow, as worrisome as the 2012 end of the world "prediction, based on the Mayan rocks".
Where will I be in the next few years?
I am determined to keep working as hard as I can, and make sure my kids make it beyond my time on this Earth.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Python 3.0 slithers onto scene, sheds backward compatibility
Python 3.0 has been officially released. This major update sacrifices backwards compatibility, but brings many significant improvements. Ars takes a close look at some of the new features.
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World's first personal supercomputer unveiled
The world's first personal supercomputer, which is 250 times faster than the average PC, has been unveiled. The gadget's power will allow doctors to process the results of brain and body scans much more quickly. This would allow them to tell patients within hours instead of days whether they have a tumour.
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LHC further delayed
There's little holiday joy for eager high-energy physicists waiting on their newest toy. A report out today says that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's most powerful particle accelerator, located at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, will not start before July 2009, and repairs are set to cost up to 35 million Swiss francs (US$29 million).
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The Real Bill Ayers
Now that the election is over, a secondary character in a narrative about Barack Obama separates his fictional identity from his actual one.
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Life in the Universe
"In other words, life would not have existed in our Universe if our abundance of dark matter were different. (ANI)"
You can read notes below on Ben Freivogel's work, and also his paper on the Los Alamos electronic archive.
To put things in context I write this note.
Steven Weinberg gave credibility to the Anthropic Principle some years back, by pointing out that the size of galaxies depends on the value of the cosmological constant. This is one of those aha moments that don't happen often in science. A different cosmological constant value, and puff, there goes humanity, up in smoke.
It is a mystery why are we here, nevertheless we have clues that this Universe of ours is 'just right' for life.
If you are religious, you may see in all this, the hand of ...
I am not; so I leave it there.
You can read notes below on Ben Freivogel's work, and also his paper on the Los Alamos electronic archive.
To put things in context I write this note.
Steven Weinberg gave credibility to the Anthropic Principle some years back, by pointing out that the size of galaxies depends on the value of the cosmological constant. This is one of those aha moments that don't happen often in science. A different cosmological constant value, and puff, there goes humanity, up in smoke.
It is a mystery why are we here, nevertheless we have clues that this Universe of ours is 'just right' for life.
If you are religious, you may see in all this, the hand of ...
I am not; so I leave it there.
Anthropic Explanation of the Dark Matter Abundance
I use Bousso's causal diamond measure to make a statistical prediction for the dark matter abundance, assuming an axion with a large decay constant f_a >> 10^{12} GeV. Using a crude approximation for observer formation, the prediction agrees well with observation: 30% of observers form in regions with less dark matter than we observe, while 70% of.
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Dark matter in our Universe is 'just right' for life
A new model by a scientist has determined that the amount of dark matter in our Universe is 'just right' for life to emerge. In order to avoid questions about how these properties became so finely tuned, the anthropic principle is combined with the idea that our universe is part of a multiverse, in which each universe has randomly determined
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Money to Fight Drug Gangs Is Released to Mexico
The U.S. formally released the first part of a $400 million aid package, a sign of how much more involved the United States is becoming in Mexico’s brutal drug war.
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Google shows Microsoft how to connect the dots
Android critics like Microsoft's CEO Steve Balmer bemoans the fact that Google shouldn't dabble in apps/services it cannot immediately monetize. In reality, Google is operating at a much higher level that the fat and lazy Microsoft doesn't understand.
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Thursday, December 04, 2008
Significant Progress Made in OLED Lighting
Osram, in partnership with BASF, has reached two major milestones in their development of OLED lighting. They've developed an OLED that's able to yield 60 lumens per watt , a much greater efficiency than conventional bulbs; and new OLED meets the international Energy Star SSL Standard for color requirements, a first for this lighting technology.
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Bloodshed On the Border
Life in Juárez, where drug violence has created the equivalent of a failed state on our doorstep. The border between El Paso (population: 600,000) and Juárez (population: 1.5 million) is the most menacing spot along America's southern underbelly. On one side is the second-safest city of its size in the United States (after Honolulu),............
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Hospitals Now a Theater in Mexico’s Drug War
With alarming speed, Mexico’s violent drug war is finding its way into the seeming sanctuary of the nation’s hospitals.
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Obama Names Richardson as Commerce Secretary
Barack Obama denied that the job was a “consolation” prize for Bill Richardson, considered a candidate to be secretary of state.
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Today I am writing on Time. I have an idea since 1992, to teach calculus in high school with finite difference equations to forego differential equations.
It is known that the ε and δ demonstrations are hard to grasp by novices. I believe that part of the problem is that these demonstrations are computer programs and are not presented as such.
We have to call a spade a spade to be understood. High school students have arithmetic and algebraic abilities, but they do not know how to program computers. When we tell them that calculus is studied with formulas, and never mention programs as essential, it only causes confusion.
Writing my didactic proposal I want to say something on Time.
The note below is about a group of theoretical physicists trying to come to terms with the concept of time.
Experimental results have already taught us that time is not what we believe it is. One of the biggest mysteries is CP violation. Cronin, and Fitch, got the Physics Nobel Prize in 1980 for this measurement. With the standard interpretation of time in theoretical physics, this result teaches us that past and future are not equivalent.
If at the microscopic level time has an arrow, and time passes according to the state of motion of the system under study, then we have a problem.
Some, like Julian Barbour, want to rid themselves of the idea of time altogether.
I believe that the key is, Information, with capital I.
Physics categories are space, time, and matter. The subject matter of this science is motion. Information is not among the categories.
I believe that until Information finds its place in Physics we won't be able to quantize gravity, and understand time.
It is known that the ε and δ demonstrations are hard to grasp by novices. I believe that part of the problem is that these demonstrations are computer programs and are not presented as such.
We have to call a spade a spade to be understood. High school students have arithmetic and algebraic abilities, but they do not know how to program computers. When we tell them that calculus is studied with formulas, and never mention programs as essential, it only causes confusion.
Writing my didactic proposal I want to say something on Time.
The note below is about a group of theoretical physicists trying to come to terms with the concept of time.
Experimental results have already taught us that time is not what we believe it is. One of the biggest mysteries is CP violation. Cronin, and Fitch, got the Physics Nobel Prize in 1980 for this measurement. With the standard interpretation of time in theoretical physics, this result teaches us that past and future are not equivalent.
If at the microscopic level time has an arrow, and time passes according to the state of motion of the system under study, then we have a problem.
Some, like Julian Barbour, want to rid themselves of the idea of time altogether.
I believe that the key is, Information, with capital I.
Physics categories are space, time, and matter. The subject matter of this science is motion. Information is not among the categories.
I believe that until Information finds its place in Physics we won't be able to quantize gravity, and understand time.
What makes the universe tick?
LEE SMOLIN wants to save your time. He is not a lifestyle guru offering handy tips on managing a diary, though: he is a physicist who works at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario, Canada. Many of his colleagues, he says, are planning to rid the universe of the common-sense notion that time passes. Smolin is having none of it.
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Wednesday, December 03, 2008
A Court for a New America
Only by realigning America with international law can the damage inflicted on America’s image and appeal by the Bush administration be undone.
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One Singular Sensation
A comment made by Gov. Ed Rendell seemed to infer that single unmarried people, like the homeland security nominee Janet Napolitano, have no life outside of work.
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Back to Reality
The Bush administration's war on science is coming to an end, but can the Obama administration undo all the damage?
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In Depth: 50 amazing Ubuntu time-saving tips
The end of October saw the much anticipated release of Ubuntu 8.10 - affectionately called the Intrepid Ibex. It's a release that sees Ubuntu going from strength to strength.
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College May Become Unaffordable for Most in U.S.
Tuition and fees increased 439 percent from 1982 to 2007, while median family income rose 147 percent.
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The Next Attorney General
Eric Holder could be an exemplary choice for attorney general but he must answer serious questions before the Senate votes on his confirmation.
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A New Picture of the Early Earth. Life, 4.4 billions years?
Geologists now think the planet soon became a cool place of land, seas and perhaps even life.The first 700 million years of Earth’s 4.5-billion-year existence are known as the Hadean period, after Hades, or, to shed the ancient Greek name, Hell.In the new view of the early Earth, life could have emerged probably 4.4 billion years ago
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Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Calling All Pakistanis
Who in the Muslim world, who in Pakistan, is ready to take to the streets to protest the mass murders of real people, not cartoon characters, right next door in Mumbai?
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Monday, December 01, 2008
Recession Began Last December, Economists Say
The U.S. economy officially sank into a recession last December, which means that the downturn is already longer than the average for all recessions since World War II.
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Planets Align: Frown Upon Us
Look up at the sky Monday night to see a bright cosmic frown. The planets Jupiter and Venus will briefly align to form (nearly upside down) two eyes and a frowning mouth in the southwest.
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A Team of Whizzes
Will this new Obama team, as brilliant as it appears to be, begin addressing on day one the interests of those who are not rich and who have not had the ear of those in power?
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In the past two weeks I was in two events around death.
First my cousin died; we were born one month apart, then a second cousin died, I am older than her.
I hadn't seen them in over ten years. I don't feel the loss of somebody I see every day. I had good times with them though, and feel fraternal love for them.
I went this weekend to my mother's hometown for my cousin's funeral. She was an only child, and both her parents are dead. I don't know her husband, nor her children; she left three. I was late for the funeral and I spent my time with my relatives I know well. They talked to me about her. Her death was not nice, her final years were sad. It is a small town, and people noticed that she was not well.
I talked to my nephew; an intelligent man, that took care of gruesome details a few years back when other relatives died in that small town. He saw the remains of my long dead relatives, because they have the costume of opening tombs in that town, to accommodate new "tenants".
The way he described what he saw, made me want to be taken care of when the time comes, as my father requested.
His ashes were thrown in, in a river near his hometown.
I know I won't see anything, but I don't want my descendants to see what my nephew saw.
First my cousin died; we were born one month apart, then a second cousin died, I am older than her.
I hadn't seen them in over ten years. I don't feel the loss of somebody I see every day. I had good times with them though, and feel fraternal love for them.
I went this weekend to my mother's hometown for my cousin's funeral. She was an only child, and both her parents are dead. I don't know her husband, nor her children; she left three. I was late for the funeral and I spent my time with my relatives I know well. They talked to me about her. Her death was not nice, her final years were sad. It is a small town, and people noticed that she was not well.
I talked to my nephew; an intelligent man, that took care of gruesome details a few years back when other relatives died in that small town. He saw the remains of my long dead relatives, because they have the costume of opening tombs in that town, to accommodate new "tenants".
The way he described what he saw, made me want to be taken care of when the time comes, as my father requested.
His ashes were thrown in, in a river near his hometown.
I know I won't see anything, but I don't want my descendants to see what my nephew saw.
Liquefied Natural Gas and Fossil Capitalism
Anna ZalikThe contemporary ecological crisis places a new spin on the notion of the “resource curse,” evoking widespread concerns regarding hydrocarbon dependency. Whether environmental, in the form of global warming, or socio-political, through wars over oil, “fossil capitalism” is now understood as a global problem.1 The development of a ...
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
About Latin America
President-elect Barack Obama should not put off improving ties with Latin America. And given how bad relations are right now, it will not take much.
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Lest We Forget
The story of how we failed to see this coming has a clear policy implication — that financial market reform should be pressed quickly, and that it should not wait until the crisis is resolved.
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Retailers Offer Big Discounts, and Then Pray
Analysts expect retailers to offer more jaw-dropping deals during one of the toughest holiday seasons in decades.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Shining City
"Give thanks on this day for the law. It’s what stands between the shining city on a hill and the dark side."
Roger Cohen (below) has spoken truth to power. I regret though, that he didn't do more to stop the dark side, when it was in full force.
Roger Cohen (below) has spoken truth to power. I regret though, that he didn't do more to stop the dark side, when it was in full force.
A Command of the Law
I am thankful that the next commander in chief is a constitutional law expert, since what defines the United States is that it is a nation of laws.
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Count Those Blessings
Sure, this isn’t the absolutely best and brightest holiday season ever. But look at the pluses.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
All Fall Down
After a near total breakdown of responsibility at every link in our financial chain, we either bail out the people who brought us here or risk a systemic crash. These are the wages of our sins.
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What is that with all those adds in Google Reader?
I guess I must've been forewarned when I chose Google's Chrome browser. But whenever I use the Reader there I get all these adds in the items. I just used Safari, and when I didn't see the same, I realized that it is a Google thing. I guess they have to start making money for their investors. When Harvard is having a hard time keeping financial obligations, you can see that the ... hit the fan.
Oh, well.
Kiyoshi Ito Who Described Random Motion Dies
Mr. Ito’s mathematical models of random motion (Ito Calculus) are used today in fields as diverse as finance and biology.
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Monday, November 24, 2008
Bob Herbert on Obama's Saturday Speech
"Impossible, that is, until you realize that bandits don’t waste time repairing a building that they’re looting."
This is one of the best lines I've read in the NYT (below).
He is calling a spade a spade. Republicans looted the US. They are modern day pirates. Enough, is enough. It is time to rebuild.
This is one of the best lines I've read in the NYT (below).
He is calling a spade a spade. Republicans looted the US. They are modern day pirates. Enough, is enough. It is time to rebuild.
Not a Moment Too Soon
We’re never going to get out of this economic fix if we can’t swing open the doors to millions of new jobs. At long last, we are about to have a president who gets that.
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A Whisper, Perhaps, From the Universe’s Dark Side
Recent results from a number of experiments have led some scientists to suspect that they are getting signals from a shadow universe of dark matter.
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Exclusive (Part 2): Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn on the
Weather Underground, the McCain Campaign Attacks, President-Elect Obama and the Antiwar Movement TodayUntil just a few weeks ago Ayers and his anti-war actions from nearly 40 years ago formed a central part of the Republican attack on Obama. In their first joint television interview education professor Bill Ayers and his wife law professor
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Black Hole "Hearts" Warm Galaxies, Control Growth
A colossal black hole nestled in the center of a distant galaxy controls its own growth and the growth of surrounding stars by pumping out energy at regular intervals, a new study says. "It looks like a beating heart," said study team member Mateusz Ruszkowski, an astronomer at the University of Michigan.
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Ontology and Semiotics, are two categories of knowledge. Juan Godino from Spain has put them together.
I just started to study this approach. We are having a lecture by Professor Godino in Chilpancingo tomorrow.
I just started to study this approach. We are having a lecture by Professor Godino in Chilpancingo tomorrow.
Ramiro Humberto Cajas Cantoral (1918-1980)
“All of us braceros are dead,” he said, clutching a cane and staring out the big picture window of a house near here that he shares with his children. “It would be for my funeral.”
You can read about justice to "Braceros" in a note on the NYT below.
The article ends like this:
“I remember everything, the fields, the places, the crops,” he said afterward. “But they are not accepting my memories.”
My father did not get justice, he would've been 90 years old next Saturday; he died when he was 62. He went to the States as part of the "Bracero" Program, and I accept his memories.
He was a great man.
You can read about justice to "Braceros" in a note on the NYT below.
The article ends like this:
“I remember everything, the fields, the places, the crops,” he said afterward. “But they are not accepting my memories.”
My father did not get justice, he would've been 90 years old next Saturday; he died when he was 62. He went to the States as part of the "Bracero" Program, and I accept his memories.
He was a great man.
Owed Back Pay, Guest Workers Comb the Past
Guest farm workers can now collect a payment of wages, decades overdue, from the Mexican government.
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American Scientists for Mexico?
When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russian scientists went to Mexico. Will any American scientist flee the catastrophe to Mexico?
I doubt it. This coming upheaval looks more like a Tsunami, taking everybody down.
I hope I am wrong in my prognostication.
I doubt it. This coming upheaval looks more like a Tsunami, taking everybody down.
I hope I am wrong in my prognostication.
Fisk in Afghanistan and 2012
This knowledgeable man is in Kabul.
If you read his piece in "The Independent" that I posted below, maybe you can see the similarities with my piece on the CETEG. The "Other World", does not want Progress. Are they right?
I see, like Fisk, similarities in the downfall of The West in Afghanistan, and Communism à la USSR, and in Guerrero the end of Neo Liberalism. "Deep Mexico" and "Deep Afghanistan", don't like this Modern World. This Modern World seems to be crumbling. The fall started in 1992, and maybe the falling cycle will end in 2012, with the end of Capitalism, the "End of the World", as some esoteric writers have claimed recently. Twenty years to end Progress. This stage lasted over three hundred years, counting from the Industrial Revolution in England.
I really wish this is not so.
But then you can read in today's NYT (below):
"Once the nation’s largest and mightiest financial company, Citigroup lost half its value in the stock market last week as the bank confronted a crisis of confidence. Although Citigroup executives maintain the bank is sound, investors worry that its finances are deteriorating. Citigroup has suffered staggering losses for a year now, and few analysts think the pain is over. Many investors worry that it needs more capital."
US Government saving Banks. Is that the way it ends?
If you read his piece in "The Independent" that I posted below, maybe you can see the similarities with my piece on the CETEG. The "Other World", does not want Progress. Are they right?
I see, like Fisk, similarities in the downfall of The West in Afghanistan, and Communism à la USSR, and in Guerrero the end of Neo Liberalism. "Deep Mexico" and "Deep Afghanistan", don't like this Modern World. This Modern World seems to be crumbling. The fall started in 1992, and maybe the falling cycle will end in 2012, with the end of Capitalism, the "End of the World", as some esoteric writers have claimed recently. Twenty years to end Progress. This stage lasted over three hundred years, counting from the Industrial Revolution in England.
I really wish this is not so.
But then you can read in today's NYT (below):
"Once the nation’s largest and mightiest financial company, Citigroup lost half its value in the stock market last week as the bank confronted a crisis of confidence. Although Citigroup executives maintain the bank is sound, investors worry that its finances are deteriorating. Citigroup has suffered staggering losses for a year now, and few analysts think the pain is over. Many investors worry that it needs more capital."
US Government saving Banks. Is that the way it ends?
Have We Learned Nothing? By Robert Fisk
November 22, 2008 "The Independent" -- -I sit on the rooftop of the old Central Hotel – pharaonic-decorated elevator, unspeakable apple juice, sublime green tea, and armed Tajik guards at the front door – and look out across the smoky red of the Kabul evening. The Bala Hissar fort glows in the dusk, massive portals, the great keep to which the..
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U.S. Approves Plan to Help Citigroup Weather Losses
Regulators approved a radical plan to stabilize the bank in an arrangement in which the government could soak up billions of dollars in losses.
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Report Calls for Fresh Approach to Latin America
A new report compiled by prominent former policy-makers recommends Washington overhaul its drug policies at home and pursue a rapprochement with Cuba.
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Rise of the Non-Threatening Black Man
I grew up in Jamaica Queens, New York ... however, I 'lived' in Floral Park, New York ... a predominately white neighborhood through the late 1970's to late 1980's. PS 191, Junior High School 172 and eventually Martin Van Buren High School.
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Saturday, November 22, 2008
We Found the W.M.D.
The national economy is in a real code red and addressing this issue can’t be put off for two months.
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Marriage on the Rocks
Gays who supported Barack Obama had the bittersweet experience of seeing voters who surged to the polls to vote Democratic also vote for Proposition 8, which turned gay “I dos” into “You can’ts.”
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Ry Cooder and Easy Rider
Now the onely way to avoyde this shipwracke and to provide for our posterity is to followe the Counsell of Micah, to doe Justly, to love mercy, to walke humbly with our God, for this end, wee must be knitt together in this worke as one man, wee must entertaine each other in brotherly Affeccion, wee must be willing to abridge our selves of our superfluities, for the supply of others necessities, wee must uphold a familiar Commerce together in all meekenes, gentlenes, patience and liberallity, wee must delight in eache other, make others Condicions our owne rejoyce together, mourne together, labour, and suffer together, allwayes haveing before our eyes our Commission and Community in the worke, our Community as members of the same body, soe shall wee keepe the unitie of the spirit in the bond of peace, the Lord will be our God and delight to dwell among us, as his owne people and will commaund a blessing upon us in all our wayes, soe that wee shall see much more of his wisdome power goodnes and truthe then formerly wee have beene acquainted with, wee shall finde that the God of Israell is among us, when tenn of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemies, when hee shall make us a prayse and glory, that men shall say of succeeding plantacions: the lord make it like that of New England: for wee must Consider that wee shall be as a Citty upon a Hill, the eies of all people are uppon us; soe that if wee shall deale falsely with our god in this worke wee have undertaken and soe cause him to withdrawe his present help from us, wee shall be made a story and a byword through the world, wee shall open the mouthes of enemies to speake evill of the wayes of god and all professours for Gods sake; wee shall shame the faces of many of gods worthy servants, and cause theire prayers to be turned into Cursses upon us till wee be consumed out of the good land whether wee are going: And to shutt upp this discourse with that exhortacion of Moses that faithfull servant of the Lord in his last farewell to Israell Deut. 30. Beloved there is now sett before us life, and good, deathe and evill in that wee are Commaunded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one another to walke in his wayes and to keepe his Commaundements and his Ordinance, and his lawes, and the Articles of our Covenant with him that wee may live and be multiplyed, and that the Lord our God may blesse us in the land whether wee goe to possesse it: But if our heartes shall turne away soe that wee will not obey, but shall be seduced and worshipp other Gods our pleasures, and proffitts, and serve them, it is propounded unto us this day, wee shall surely perishe out of the good Land whether wee passe over this vast Sea to possesse it;
Taken from:
You can read about Ry Cooder below, there was a NYT piece today about him. He is from Santa Monica, and has seen the changes there for all of his almost sixty years.
Since I saw Ghost Rider in the bus in my way back from Mexico City after my cousin's death last week, I've been in a pensive mood. I wrote a note on Easy Rider and Ghost Rider, and run a poll during this week. Easy Rider won. I also liked it better, but I wanted to contrast.
John Winthrop epitomizes what Americans want to believe is their nature. This weekend I saw "Deep Mexico", as Guillermo Bonfil Batalla named it (CETEG note below). The Mexico that doesn't want to change as John Womack writes in his book: Zapata and the Mexican Revolution . Putting these things together I try to make sense of the world around me: Don't we all?
Guillermo Bonfil Batalla
Avándaro and Mexico City, 1985-1987
Thus ends the preface of "México Profundo" (Deep Mexico).
Ry Cooder is an anthropologist in his own way. He goes around his neighborhood, and finds Mexicans in East Los Angeles, then they are his people. Then he goes to Cuba and finds Ibrahim Ferrer, and he was his friend. Cooder keeps going around and finding all his lost brothers and sisters, because he is a man that belongs to the whole world.
John Winthrop's trip seems to end in Santa Monica, but as I write below in Easy Rider vs. Ghost Rider, it doesn't. All of this continent, yes in Mexico we only think of one continent, America, not two like American kids are taught, in all of this continent a New Man is being formed. And it is hard, I can tell you, it is hard.
My cousin died, and I feel vulnerable, maybe I'll be the next one. I feel the need to leave something good. Life will go on without me, but I don't want to leave without leaving something behind.
Ry Cooder’s American West
El Mirage Dry Lake sounds like a place one step from nonexistence, but it’s a critical stop on a journey into the idiosyncratic world of this influential rock and blues artist.
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"Coordinadora Estatal de Trabajadores de la Educación en Guerrero"
Guerrero State Education Workers Coordinating Committee.
This independent workers union finished yesterday a three month walkout. Just like the Zapatistas almost a hundred years ago, they went to protest, because they didn't want to change.
John Womack, a Harvard historian looked into the Zapatista Movement of 1910-1920. They were Mexicans that had lived here for over five thousand years. When Porfirio Díaz; another progress oriented indian from Oaxaca, took power for thirty years to change Mexico, he failed.
Now Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo, Governor of Guerrero, also conceded defeat yesterday. His plan to modernize education will have to wait at least seven months. In Mexico, wait seven months means: forget it.
I walked through the streets of Chilpancingo on Saturday, right there in front of the Chamber of Representatives, I could see hundreds of poor people literally living outdoors, to express their dissatisfaction, with the Government's plan. I could hear them talking in their own languages; there are several Mexicos and they don't talk to each other.
I ended up in a luxurious empty mall. I really don't know which way this country is taking. It is clear that the old rulers cannot make ALL Mexico change.
I'll keep you posted.
Guerrero State Education Workers Coordinating Committee.
This independent workers union finished yesterday a three month walkout. Just like the Zapatistas almost a hundred years ago, they went to protest, because they didn't want to change.
John Womack, a Harvard historian looked into the Zapatista Movement of 1910-1920. They were Mexicans that had lived here for over five thousand years. When Porfirio Díaz; another progress oriented indian from Oaxaca, took power for thirty years to change Mexico, he failed.
Now Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo, Governor of Guerrero, also conceded defeat yesterday. His plan to modernize education will have to wait at least seven months. In Mexico, wait seven months means: forget it.
I walked through the streets of Chilpancingo on Saturday, right there in front of the Chamber of Representatives, I could see hundreds of poor people literally living outdoors, to express their dissatisfaction, with the Government's plan. I could hear them talking in their own languages; there are several Mexicos and they don't talk to each other.
I ended up in a luxurious empty mall. I really don't know which way this country is taking. It is clear that the old rulers cannot make ALL Mexico change.
I'll keep you posted.
Breakdown of the Global Monetary System by summer 2009
Phase IV of the Global Systemic crisis --The G20-meeting held in Washington on November 14/15, 2008, is in its essence a historical indicator that the Western monopoly on global economic and financial governance, is coming to an end. Four key-factors are now pushing the Bretton Woods II (2) system to collapse in the course of the year 2009.
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Friday, November 21, 2008
Time for Him to Go
Can I see a show of hands? How many people want George W. Bush out and Barack Obama in right now?
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Help Is on the Way
A new advertising campaign may help troubled veterans come in from the cold and piercingly lonely environment of post-wartime stress.
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