Friday, December 05, 2008

Life in the Universe

"In other words, life would not have existed in our Universe if our abundance of dark matter were different. (ANI)"

You can read notes below on Ben Freivogel's work, and also his paper on the Los Alamos electronic archive.

To put things in context I write this note.

Steven Weinberg gave credibility to the Anthropic Principle some years back, by pointing out that the size of galaxies depends on the value of the cosmological constant. This is one of those aha moments that don't happen often in science. A different cosmological constant value, and puff, there goes humanity, up in smoke.

It is a mystery why are we here, nevertheless we have clues that this Universe of ours is 'just right' for life.

If you are religious, you may see in all this, the hand of ...

I am not; so I leave it there.

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