Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mexico’s Peso Stuns UBS With Biggest Drop Since 1995

Jan. 30 (Bloomberg) -- The steepest decline in Mexico’s peso in 13 years blindsided everyone from UBS AG economists to Gustavo Huitron, the local marketing manager for Mercedes-Benz.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

The six biggest mysteries of our solar system

Once upon a time, 4.6 billion years ago, something was brewing in an unremarkable backwater of the Milky Way.

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Methane Rain Formed New Lake on Saturn Moon

A large, lakelike body suddenly appeared on Titan around the same time that a heavy rainstorm was hovering over the area, newly released images reveal.

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The Big Con Game

Milton Friedman's Chicago school of deranged predators who wanted, and nearly managed as well, to completely distort the economic system on a global scale was born out of a creed that everything could be gained by a tiny minority.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Chinese Are Coming!

"We have a proverb in China: it takes a decade to grow a strong tree and a century to create a nourishing environment in which talents could flourish," says Jia. "Without a long-term commitment to creating such an environment, any talent schemes would be futile." Poo agrees: "Talent schemes and science-infrastructure reform must go hand in hand."

You can read this in the article below.

The Chinese know something about the long haul.

I am prepared to see more talented Chinese coming to Mexico to support the lives of their families in China. Once their plants and companies reach our land, as the one already in Michoacán, Chinese talent will come to Mexico to haul our resources to feed their people overthere.

What I do not know is if they will be as shortsighted as the long waves of brothers and sisters that came from Spain to "civilize" us?

Only God Knows!

China targets top talent from overseas

China has announced a nationwide plan that promises top salaries and attractive funding to elite researchers who are working overseas and willing to return to the country. The plan, known as the one-thousand-talents scheme, aims to boost China's innovation capability. But critics say that its success will depend on whether domestic talent gets ..

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Cheap, Super-Efficient LED Lights On The Horizon

Compact fluorescent bulbs may soon follow incandescent bulbs into history – the material needed to build LED lamps has just gotten cheaper.

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Health Care Now

Why has the Obama administration been silent about one of the key promises during the campaign — the promise of guaranteed health care for all Americans?

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Lula's Contradictions

Brazilian President Lula needs to follow the example of Mexico and Colombia with more market-friendly policies and signals.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

After the War on Terror

In his first White House televised interview, with the Al Arabiya news network, President Obama buried the lead: The war on terror is over.

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Obama Says Not a ‘Moment to Spare’ on Stimulus P

Hours before the House was expected to approve his plan, largely along partisan lines, the president met with business executives at the White House.

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Hansen’s Former Supervisor Says Hansen ‘Embarrassed NASA'

James Hansen’s Former NASA Supervisor Declares Himself a Skeptic - Says Hansen ‘Embarrassed NASA’, ‘Was Never Muzzled’, & Models ‘Useless’

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Galileo may get eyes checked 367 years after death

ROME - Italian and British scientists want to exhume the body of 16th century astronomer Galileo for DNA tests to determine if his severe vision problems may have affected some of his findings. "If we knew exactly what was wrong with his eyes we could use computer models to recreate what he saw in his telescope," said Paolo Galluzzi.

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Wall Street’s Socialist Jet-Setters

The former masters of the universe don’t seem to fully comprehend that their universe has crumbled and, thanks to them, so has ours.

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Abdullah II: The 5-State Solution

What might King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia propose if asked to update his plan for peace in the Middle East?

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Stimulus Plan Would Provide Flood of Aid to Education

School districts, child care centers and university campuses would receive $150 billion in new federal spending in the economic stimulus package that is scheduled for a vote in Congress on Wednesday.

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Monday, January 26, 2009

New Day on Climate Change

President Obama’s decision on emissions in California shows his commitment to the cause of reversing the rise in greenhouse gases.

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The Same Old Song

Republican policies have brought the country to a deplorable state. But the party is still at it, attacking President Obama’s stimulus plan and calling for ever more tax cuts.

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Elevating Science, Elevating Democracy

Science is not a monument of received Truth but something that people do to look for truth.

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What Does It Mean To Sign A Letter Of Intent?

I am in the middle of negotiations between two academic institutions in Mexico to collaborate. On the one hand I should go directly to sources of support to get the money and make an offer that my counterparts cannot refuse, on the other hand, why should I start a long process and maybe drain my resources, for a partnership the counterpart does not feel eager to see completed.

I am still waiting for some kind of signed go ahead from my friends on the other side.

That I want to call a Letter of Intent. In Mexico we call it Convenio, from the same Latin word in convenience.

Review of dylan's every grain of sand

Review of Bob Dylan's every grain of sand

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What Galaxy Do You Live In?

I asked this to a perplexed sixteen year old student here in Chilpancingo last Saturday. He did not know.

I am starting a poll today, you are invited to participate.

The result for Darwin's Magna Opus was. Seven people knew the year, 1859, and one didn't, the person chose 1759, i.e. , a hundred years before. We are celebrating 150 years of The Origin of Species, this year.

If You Are Not Online, You Don't Exist.

A few years back a minister of Hacienda (Finance) Pedro Aspe Armella made headlines by announcing that all those Mexicans without a credit card, did not exist. My memory fails, but that is how I remember the quote.

I am not going to go there, given the very sour thoughts that may bring to my Mexican readers, if I have any, that is.

What I want to write here is Online Presence.

How do you know your presence in the blogsphere, noosphere, or whatever you want to call it?

Just Google your name, here is mine at this point in time:

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Search Results

  1. Relevant Science

     - 4 visits - 12/30/08

    Eduardo Cantoral: Soy un profesor de Matemática Educativa. I am a Mathematics Education professor. View my complete profile ... - 245k - Cached - Similar pages - 

  2. Digg / cantoral

    Eduardo Cantoral (cantoral). A 59 year-old male from Chilpancingo ( MX ) who joined Digg on January 10th, 2006. Profile · Friends' Activity · History ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages - 

  3. Digg / cantoral / History / Shouts

    Eduardo Cantoral sent a shout to Iraq - add me or the terrorists win on 12/22/ 2007. Hi Iraq, Some of your posts are interesting to me. Eduardo ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages - 
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  4. Eduardo Cantoral: ZoomInfo Business People Information

    View Eduardo Cantoral's professional background on ZoomInfo, the largest index of people in business in the world. Find who you're looking for at ZoomInfo. - 14k -Cached - Similar pages - 

  5. Eduardo Cantoral - LinkedIn

    View Eduardo Cantoral's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Eduardo Cantoral ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - 

  6. Eduardo Cantoral

    Eduardo Cantoral. USA address:. Phone x4477 office; Phone (630)-393-7644 home. Mexico address:. Phone 52-22-3325-33. Mail to EDUARDO@FNAL.GOV. - 1k -Cached - Similar pages - 

  7. Eduardo Cantoral | Gather

    26 Nov 2008 ... I am a mexican american physicist. Now a Professor of Mathematics Education in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico. - 47k - Cached - Similar pages - 

  8. Perfil de Eduardo Cantoral Uriza

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    Perfil wasabi de Eduardo Cantoral Uriza. ... Eduardo Cantoral Uriza : No sólo Cantoral, Uriza y Cajas. Todos los familiares de los familiares son bien ... - 87k -Cached - Similar pages - 

  9. Blogger: User Profile: Eduardo Cantoral

    Eduardo Cantoral. Age: 59; Gender: Male; Astrological Sign: Virgo; Zodiac Year: Ox; Industry: Education; Occupation: Math and Science Teacher ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages - 

  10. Eduardo Cantoral - Patents & Inventors, bibliographic references

    Recent bibliographic sampling of patent applications for Eduardo Cantoral listed /published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application # ... - 10k -Cached - Similar pages - 

    Latam stocks up on oil, metals recovery

    SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) — Latin American stocks rose modestly on Friday after oil and metal prices climbed.

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    Is AOL Dying?

    Dear AOL Pictures User:
    As we have described in previous emails, the AOL Pictures service closed on January 8, 2009. But it is not too late to save your pictures of your family, your friends, and your vacations!
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    China's Tiangong 1 space station unveiled for tiny Taikonaut

    Ok, it's just a scale model, but what you're looking at is the first module from China's budding Tiangong (meaning "Heavenly Place") space station program.

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    Remembering Germany

    America’s once strong alliance with Germany has soured. The new administration should rekindle this relationship, which is essential to turning the global economy around.

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    Bad Faith Economics

    Cheap shots don’t pose as much danger to the Obama administration’s efforts to get a stimulus plan through as fraudulent arguments that seem superficially plausible.

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    Friday, January 23, 2009

    The New Hillary

    Why, in a state chock full of distinguished residents, it was so hard to scrounge up a Senatorial replacement for Hillary Clinton.

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    More Than Charisma

    I’ve seen charismatic politicians and pretty families come and go like sunrises and sunsets over the years. There was something more that was making people go ga-ga over Obama. Something deeper.

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    Split Outcome in Texas Battle on Teaching of Evolution

    The Texas Board of Education voted to drop a 20-year-old mandate that science teachers explore with their students the “strengths and weaknesses” of all theories.

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    What if Al Quada Attacks Again?

    I was thinking, in my paranoiac mind, that the Bushies were going to orchestrate an attack, so Obama wouldn't be elected. Well, now he is elected, now what?

    The NYT just published a leaked item about released prisoners that had joined Al Quada afterwards.

    What if Obama's enemies orchestrate an attack to stop him, and get an authoritarian government like the one of Cheney and Bush to rule the US?

    Arlo Guthrie/This Land is Your Land

    Our grand daughters, Olivia and Jacklyn jumped on stage along with Annie Guthrie. Arlo stops the song to tell a story his dad Woody used to tell. This was Abe's last night playing with Arlo after twenty years. (He'll be back in a couple of years)He is looking forward to working in the recording studio and being home with his family.

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    Paterson Picks Gillibrand for Hillary Clinton's Senate Seat

    Gov. David A. Paterson has selected Representative Kirsten Gillibrand, a 42-year-old congresswoman from upstate who is known for bold political moves and centrist policy positions, to fill the United States Senate seat vacated by Hillary Rodham Clinton, according to a person who spoke to the governor early Friday.

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    Thursday, January 22, 2009

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I bet he was really dizzy after that move.

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    What Will You Do When The World Begins To Run Out Of Water?

    Once upon a time it was believed that humanity would always have an almost endless supply of fresh, clean water. Those days are gone. For the first time ever, ecologists are using the term "peak ecological water" to describe the approaching reality that the world is rapidly running out of clean fresh water.

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    Stuck in the Muddle

    Everyone hoped that President Obama’s Inaugural Address would offer some reassurance. But at least on matters economic, the speech was too conventional.

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    Geithner Says China Is Manipulating Its Currency

    Timothy Geithner told senators that the Obama administration believes China is “manipulating” its currency, suggesting a more confrontational trade stance toward that country than under the Bush administration. His comment is certain to anger the Chinese government and raise fears that it could sell off some of its huge reserves of dollars

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    Limit of a Function and Programming

    I just finished teaching two Mathematical Analysis classes here at Chilpancingo. As a physicist I rarely had the chance to teach these classes, usually it is the math types that have that chore. I am glad I did.
    My official concern at this point in my life is to find new ways to teach mathematics. I had a hard time with my first calculus class as a freshman in college. In high school I had mastered the calculus algorithms, without concern with rigor. When Cauchy entered in my life I received him with some kind of confusion. What was the point of all that rigmorole of epsilons and deltas. Eventually I got it, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did with my science education.
    It was only now that I was teaching these graduate classes that it hit me. I did not understand because nobody told me that the definition of continuity is not a formula, it is a program.
    Stephen Wolfram in a New Kind of Science clearly states that nature's mathematical language is not expressed in formulas, but programs. Readers that do not know calculus or programming, likely do not understand what I mean. I make an effort here to put this idea in lay language.
    A function is continuous if you can draw a graph of it without lifting the pencil from the paper. A function is a relation between  numbers, some come in and other comes out. You want to know the area of a room a feet long and b feet wide, say. The answer is, multiply a and b.  The input here are a, and b, the output a times b. Now imagine that you don't know what a is, so you draw this product for several values of a. When you get the   total area you want, say 10 squared feet, then you stop and look up the value of a. When doing this drawing you do not have to lift the pencil, it continuously stays on the graph.
    Even though I described a process where the value of a changed, the answer to the problem posed is a formula. The continuity definition I struggled with when I was a freshman goes something like this: You have two perpendicular lines, one is a, the other a times b, with b equals 1 foot ,say. Now Cauchy taught us that the function is continuous, if and only if, we take a set of values in the a times b vertical line, and consider those in the horizontal line; no matter how small the region around one point, one must have a small region on both lines. If one makes the vertical line region smaller, the horizontal line region will get also smaller, in a never ending story.

    Cauchy's definition is a program, and nobody told me so!

    Maybe if we tell the students, they will understand it better.

    Economic policy in Mexico Damage control

    MANUFACTURERS and banks are firing workers. The value of wages fell last year. Credit card debts are piling up. The economy began to contract in the last quarter of last year. Mexico has been here before. But there are two big differences between this recession and the three that preceded it in the past quarter of a century. This time the problem..

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    I am reading the recent History of the State of Guerrero in Mexico. As a whole the country lags behind Canada and the US, but even inside the country this state lags behind other more prosperous states like the State of Mexico, near Mexico City. I got here last April and everything has been slow, starting from my own way of doing things. I am not the most efficient worker. 
    I can imagine two scenarios going forward. We keep playing second fiddle to the rest of the country and North America, or we show the way. It all depends on what progress is.
    When I was young I thought there was some kind of linear path, you were behind or ahead of the line.
    As an older man, and after studying complexity theory, now I know it is not so simple. Is Detroit better than Chilpancingo? They have a ghost town over there now. There are some of those ghost towns in Mexico also. A place called "Real del Catorce" comes to mind, some boom and bust mining town in the Mexican State of San Luis Potosí.
    Is Leningrad, now Saint Petersburg again, better off than Chilpancingo? And more pointedly is a cockroach less advanced than a dinosaur?
    The late Stephen Jay Gould thought that evolution was not as simple as I once thought. Besides the temporal part of his ideas, Punctutuated Equilibrium, as he called them, the very idea of a single future of life was put into question. Now I believe that at a given moment some places are going to have a better chance than others to contribute to human civilization.
    From the Wikipedia article we can read:

    "But small, peripherally isolated groups are cut off from their parental stock. They live as tiny populations in geographic corners of the ancestral range. Selective pressures are usually intense because peripheries mark the edge of ecological tolerance for ancestral forms. Favorable variations spread quickly. Small peripheral isolates are a laboratory of evolutionary change."

    Maybe this is Guerero's moment?
    How will I know, for one thing I should start making more money!

    Outer Planets Mission Choice is Narrowed

    Ambitious plans to send probes to the outer planets are being considered by US and European space officials. One proposal envisages sending an orbiter to Saturn which would also drop a lander and a balloon on to the haze-shrouded moon Titan.The other sees two separate orbiters dispatched to investigate Jupiter and its icy moons - Europa & Ganymede.

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    Obama wants to know: Why open source?

    President Barack Obama is a smart guy. Where others zig, he zags. It's perhaps not surprising, then, that he's been asking around about the benefits of open source, according to Sun Chairman Scott McNealy, who has been asked by President Obama to author a white paper on the benefits the U.S. government can derive from open source.

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    Steven Chu Addresses the National Labs

    The new Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, addressed the national labs in an all-hands video transmission today. I was not there, but my colleague and friend Rob Roser at Fermilab was there, and sent me a very nice bulleted summary. So, you are getting this second hand, and people who were there can add nuances in the comments, but here goes:

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    Oaf of Office

    The fumbling in the administration of the presidential oath of office to Barack Obama was likely blowback from Chief Justice Roberts Jr.’s habit of grammatical niggling.

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    Full Page Ad Today in NYTimes: Open Letter to Obama on PEACE

    This full page advertisement and open letter appeared in the NY Times today, endorsed by many organizations established in America.U.S. President Barack Obama pledged on Wednesday to pursue Middle East peace, telephoning the Israeli and Palestinian leaders. THIS letter is a guideline to peace -- if taken seriously by our new Administration.

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    Obama Issues Directive to Shut Down Guantánamo

    President Obama on Thursday signed orders shutting the network of secret prisons and closing the Guantánamo detention camp within a year.

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    Wednesday, January 21, 2009

    Woodstock Without the Mud

    The inauguration left the whole country glued together emotionally, one big American ball of hope. But there were signs in the Capitol that the new era was off to a slow start.

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    The Age of Responsibility

    Responsibility, restraint, humility, peace: this is not the habitual vocabulary of America’s heroic narrative. But it constitutes a new lexicon of American power.

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    Obama to Close Foreign Prisons and Guantánamo

    President Obama is expected to sign executive orders Thursday that would rewrite American rules for the detention of terrorism suspects, officials said.

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    On His First Day, Obama Quickly Sets a New Tone

    President Obama moved swiftly to impose new rules on government transparency and ethics, calling it “a clean break from business as usual.”

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    Oath Is Administered Once Again

    Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. re-administered the oath to President Obama on Wednesday, one day after they stumbled over each other’s words.

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    Oil futures surge to end above $43 a barrel

    NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Crude-oil futures rallied to end above $43 a barrel Wednesday, buoyed by signs that the OPEC oil cartel is cutting output, as well as by optimism about President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package.

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    New York Times gets 250 Mil. loan from Mexican billionaire

    Times Co. said Monday that it had reached an agreement for $250 million in financing from companies controlled by billionaire Carlos Slim Helu to help the newspaper publisher meet debt payments as credit markets dry up and the newspaper industry confronts plummeting ad revenue.

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    Obama Takes Over White House Twitter Account: @thewhitehouse

    In a day marked by transition, another interesting one to note: @thewhitehouse, the Twitter account previously maintained by the Bush Administration, has changed hands to the Obama team. Today, along with the rollout of a new, the account is now featuring updates from Obama’s new media team and a new avatar.

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    Thomas Harriot or Galileo Galilei?

    Thomas Harriott from England has a drawing from July 26, 1609; before Galileo had any records. This is the contention of the Historian Allan Chapman from the University of Oxford.

    Should I look fro a telescopic observation here in Guerrero?

    I wonder.

    400 Front Pages for Obama from Around the World

    Take a look at all the Obama-ee goodness on all these newspapers! Click on any of them to see an enlarged version of each.

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    Two People Knew When is the International Year of Astronomy

    The poll I just closed asked if you knew when was the International Year of Astronomy  (IYA). Only two people knew. One of two things is true. Nobody comes to my page, or few people know this is the International Year of Astronomy .

    In any case, in 1609 Galileo Galilei from Italy, used a telescope to start the scientific study of the sky. To celebrate this four hundred year anniversary, UNESCO declared 2009 the IYA.

    There are a few more links to this effect in this page. I have posted a few notes and written some. All this year I will be reminding you about this historic event.

    Was Galileo second fiddle--er, telescope--to Harriot?: Scien

    The International Year of Astronomy (IYA), now under way, marks the 400th anniversary of the year that famed Italian astronomer Galileo began observing and documenting the heavens with increasingly powerful telescopes.

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    Tuesday, January 20, 2009

    Exit the Boy King

    Not since Klaatu landed in a flying saucer on the Ellipse has Washington been so mesmerized by an object whirring through the sky.

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    Radical in the White House

    My most fervent hope about President Obama is that he will be as radical as this moment — that he will put everything on the table.

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    New York Times Editorial: 'President Obama'

    In his Inaugural Address, President Obama gave Americans the clarity and the respect for which they have hungered.

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    From Hamelin to Huitzuco

    I am searching for my origins.

    The Piper note I just wrote did not lead far. Now I am following another lead. Huitzuco 1874, a hundred years or so before and another mispelled (?) name Urriza. A Esteban Urriza was a mine owner in San Luis Potosí. In Huitzuco, my mother's hometown, far from San Luis Potosí, a company Urriza, Thébénet, y Arnaiz; operating  a mercury mine was there in 1874.

    My uncle Andrés Figueroa Uriza, claims that a Taxco miner by the name of José Uriza adopted our ancestor Ignacio from a wealthy lady that did not want to own him early in her life, and gave him his name. When she changed her mind and wanted her child back, the miner sent him to Huitzuco, where he had friends (relatives?) to hide the boy from her. All the Urizas from Huitzuco come from that boy.

    The company owning the mine eventually folded, and President Porfirio Díaz's father in law, Romero de Terreros took the mine before the 1911 revolution started in Huitzuco, on February 28.

    Is Urriza the same as Uriza?

    Peña Nieto glitters but Mexico’s mayhem goes on

    THE HANDSOME presidential hopeful looks set to wed the nation's most popular soap-opera star. It could be a marriage made in heaven, but it will happen in a nation that many fear could be slipping into a hell of mayhem and bloodshed - right on the border with the United States.

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    Sally Hamlin

    Little Orphan Annie (1917).

    Sally Hamlin

    This mp3 file of Sally Hamlin just caught my attention.

    I can't stop listening to it!

    The mostest fun!

    Little Orphan Annie come to our house to stay, ...

    I was curious about Hamelin because I just told the children here in Chilpancingo about how the Spanish rats killed many Mexicans, when they came with the Spanish boats and made almost everybody sick. Then the idea of the Pied Pier came to mind watching Pete Seeger singing to all those American kids. Is he the Piper?, is he the Prophet? What is comimg?

    Very few people will make sense of this note, maybe only me.

    I guess that is how seers see the World, in tones and shades that nobody sees.

    Maybe Seeger is not the Prophet.

    It may be me!

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