Monday, June 01, 2009

No Class Struggle Until 2015?

The UAW and GM management steered by the Government have stopped the laws of Social Relations.

Is this so?

To start off, Marx's laws are not Physics Laws. I believe in the second but not the former.

My reason is simple, Physics Laws are about simple, repetitive events, Marx's Laws are about complex non-repetitive events. This is the same reason I don't believe in Theological debates, I find them a waste of time. How many angels do fit in the head of a pin?

Good luck to GM workers though. I really don't believe they will beat Chinese workers; Chinese workers are better educated than the US ones, and they spend less money for upkeep. That to me looks more like a Law of Social Relations, that the Law of the Class Struggle.

I should state, that I am envious of those UAW workers, I have a Ph.D., and I am unemployed, they know squat, and each one of them, still has more capital than I will ever own.

Go on Chinese kids, show these American comrades from the UAW how to make cars.


showbizguy said...

Well, let's see... they get 20 billion and they make 2 million cars a year... Do I get $10,000 off the purchase of a new car? Is that on top of the other $5,000 I recieved?

Local650wife said...

As far as GM, Chrysler and Ford go - no one should feel a bit sorry for them. Their laid off workers severence package includes a year and a half of pay, while my husband and half of his co-workers have been laid off with nothing except the paltry unemployment insurance payment. Mis - management and over-payment to UAW employee's brought the big three down. And unfortunately my family has to pay the price.

Richard Arsenault said...

yeah! Now the UAW gets to watch as GM continues to close plants in the US and export jobs to Communist China and Corrupt Mexico! Nice! This way you can help your own demise much faster! Thanks, Congress for allowing this to go through without any oversight!

Eduardo Cantoral said...

Thank you all for visiting.
UAW can try what other workers tried in Argentina some years back.

Run the place.

Also in Mexico some workers have gone that way. Some of those companies are still there.

Obviously this up to the American citizens that just payed for the bailout. If showbizguy wants $10,000 back; people have to get more involved.

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