Thursday, July 09, 2009

Is There Something for Me in the Google Announcement?

I felt reinvindicated by Google's announcement. We just need an appliance to use the Internet. We don't need to become computer programmers to keep our home systems in good repair. I felt this more than ten years ago. I guess the time had not come yet. It was necessary to have a believable threat to the status quo, as Google is.

Google is a threat to Microsoft because they have a new business model. Provide services, and the consumer requests services. I use gmail, and Google Docs. With Wolfram Alpha out there, I also get mathematics services. I'm sure there is a sector of the market that needs a whole work station to make money, or discover laws of Nature; but the general consumer needs something else.

I feel that there is an opportunity for me to provide some high tech service and make a living. I do not have a business plan, and that is a huge understatement. I'm just recovering to the fact that the Mountain View company finally threw the challenge towards Redmond.

From the NYT:

"Yet with Google’s latest effort, some argue that the right company has hit on the right idea at the right time."

Protobusiness model:

Sugar on a Stick, to Netbook, to Math Education Software.

It has to be ggod though, there are so many math teaching programs out there it is scary, and challenging.

I noticed weird behavior here in Chilpancingo. Only now my emails were answered by an important contact for my plans. I suspect that big bucks are behind the whole Google bit.  I'm sure I am not the only one that has envision the possibilities of what it is to come in 2010. I hope it happens before 2012, if all that crazy talk on the Mayan Prediction comes true.

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