Friday, December 18, 2009

What Size Gaia?

Professor James Lovelock stunned the world when he discovered the feedback loop that keeps our Earth just right.

Could it be that Gaia is bigger?

Prof. Hansen tells us now that the Sun is quieter than expected. Maybe the Sun neighborhood is autopoietic, so the Earth is not too hot, not too cold, for some alloted time. If the Earth warms, the Sun cools. That'll be neat, won't it?


Unknown said...

Maybe the whole universe is "autopoletic"... ?

Don't even doubt that we cannot tip the balance that keeps us here performing our task. The worst thing that our self-destructive tendencies could possibly do is cause the system to slap us back into line.

Also, the goldilocks enigma, or the "not to hot and not too cold" environment, isn't an lucky location in a continuous spectrum of temperatures. It is precariously balanced between diametrically opposing runaway tendencies that would race all the way down to the bottom of the hill if the fixed balance could be tipped. If things got too hot or cold, then it would get REALLY hot, or extremely cold, there is very little tolerance for deviation within in the system.

If the structure of the universe weren't self-regulating, then any amount of unchecked expansion or contraction would rapidly lead to runaway expansion or re-collapse.

And every last one of these goldilocks systems is eukaryotically bound the the whole.


Eduardo Cantoral said...

I am reading Brian Arthur:The Nature of Technology. He is aware of Maturana and Varela.
Thanks a lot for your insights. We'll get something done.

Unknown said...

Yes Eduardo, we must persist at whatever pace we can manage, regardless of how long it takes. I have grown very weary of the effort and I want to do other things, but I will stay with it until I have said what I must say and this is our one shot, so we'd better not blow it or theoretical physics will continue to become more absurd as the cutting edge extends necessarily flawed concepts further and further into mathematical oblivion.

Eduardo Cantoral said...


Sorry for the tardiness.

I won't give up.

What else is there to do?

Only getting a better salary.

So far I am still in Chilpancingo.

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