Thursday, July 29, 2010

If it is Bad Now, Imagine when we are Twice as Many?

These days in Chilpancingo you can hear the sirens almost daily. Late at night, there are military personnel in the streets, and drug dealers are starting to harass small owners and kidnap people with not that much money. Our state is getting out of control.

The governor's party may lose the coming election in 2011, he has the power given to him by the opposition party, the PRI. 

I feel nobody is in charge.

I may be paranoiac, and as an intellectual I tend to be. Nevertheless the state that invented corn is running production deficits. I guess we are too many already. I see a lot of little kids; I know for a fact they will grow: Then what?

I don't think I am staying, unless a messiah comes along; what about AMLO? That is a thought. Nevertheless I do not believe in saviors. The militias scare me in Indiana, Michigan, and .....

I guess this is serious.

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