Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Era, New Year

This year I turn 62, my mother died April 11, 2010. I saw Leza, Lev and Mary; my beautiful family in Warrenville.

Fermilab, which is next door; was given the boot. The US is obviously in decay, and the proof is that we are not supporting basic research.

The Euro is dying; you can read professor Krugman's postmortem here.

  Daniel Hernandez became a hero last Saturday when he saved US representative Gabrielle Giffords. She is getting better, she owes her life to Hernandez, and she knows it.

''Four days after Jared Lee Loughner opened fire at a North Tucson Safeway, killing Green and shooting Giffords in the head, Giffords opened her eyes Wednesday and recognized her surroundings and her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly.

“This is a major leap forward,” said Dr. Michael Lemole, the chief neurosurgeon at University Medical Center here said Thursday. “This is a major milestone for her, and we’re hoping she crosses through many more.”

Kelly was at her side when she opened her eyes and he asked her to touch his ring, which she did, according to an account from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who was in the room. Kelly will be at Giffords side throughout her recovery: NASA announced Thursday that they are naming a backup commander for Kelly’s shuttle mission in April.''

''“I want to live up to her expectations. I want our democracy to be as good as Christina imagined it. I want America to be as good as she imagined it,” Obama said. “All of us -– we should do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to our children’s expectations.”

He continued: “If there are rain puddles in heaven, Christina is jumping in them today.”

Outside Thursday’s funeral will fly the largest flag recovered from the World Trade Centers after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001—Green’s birthday.

Also Thursday, the Pima County Sheriff announced it is investigating a black bag found near Loughner’s home. Loughner and his father argued after Loughner pulled a black bag out of the family car, the Associated Press reported earlier this week, but no bag was found in the house or at the crime scene. The sheriff’s office is trying to determine whether the bag, which was discovered by a man who was walking his dog, is connected to Loughner.''

Now what?

I was crying yesterday, as I saw President Obama calling on us to be the country Christina Taylor Green believed in. I know smart girls like her; I want to make a decent world for them.

When I saw Dr. Carlos Gonzalez I was deeply touched. Read Craig's piece here.

American Indians, Mexicans, Africans, we all have to come together to make the America, Chrsitina would've wanted to have. All united for the benefit of all.

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