Monday, July 11, 2011

7 Ways to Conserve Water for Your Pool

Pools use a lot of water. There is no way around that, but there are things you can do to conserve the amount of water that is used by your pool. Making a few simple changes, and then keeping your maintenance issues up to date, can make a much bigger difference in your overall water usage than you might expect. Following is a list of seven tips for conserving the amount of water that is used for your pool.

  1. Cooler water temps. The warmer the water, the faster it will evaporate out of the pool. Keep the temperature turned down just a degree or two more than you normally would. Cool water feels good on a hot day and your bodies will adjust to it quickly. You’ll save energy as well as water by following this tip.
  2. Pool enclosure. Having a pool enclosure will serve as a wind break which can help eliminate water loss from your pool due to waves caused by the wind. A pool enclosure is a good safety feature as well. It can help prevent pool accidents, if the pool is not easily accessible from all sides.
  3. Lower levels – You don’t need to have your pool water right to the brim of the pool. Keep the levels in little lower. This uses less water and also decreases the amount of water that will be splashed out of the pool by swimmers and the wind.
  4. Hand clean the filter – Backwashing that is used to clean your filter uses a tremendous amount of water and doesn’t do as good of job at cleaning the filter as you could do yourself. Take the time to hand clean the filter and conserve your water for the pool.
  5. Repair leaks – Check for leaks and make sure that they are repaired immediately. Poor pool maintenance can be costly in the long run and means ongoing water loss that could be prevented.
  6. Monitor PH levels – You may be surprised to see this maintenance issue listed as a means of conserving water. However, if you keep your pool PH levels monitored and the appropriate chemical balances maintained, you will have a cleaner pool. The less often you have to clean your pool, the less water you will use for your pool. Just a little common sense.
  7. Turn off the extra features – If you have fountains or waterfalls as part of the extra features on your pool, use them sparingly. Air filtering through the running water will aerate it and create evaporation. Save the enjoyment of these features for special occasions, such as a pool party with friends. They don’t need to be turned on everyday, or every time you use the pool. Every little bit counts in the conservation effort.

Taken From Connect Utilities

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