Wednesday, August 10, 2011


You can read below Professor Westen's appraisal of Obama's performance. He uses his knowledge of the human mind to make sense of the POUS's thinking process. Also Steve Jobs understands what customers want.

When I look at the arXiv for Theoretical High Energy Physics papers, I find mathematics without a clear physical worldview.

I am in the middle of making a new worldview. I think that all theoretical physics work, since the fifteenth century has been a sophisticated fitting mathematical procedure. As Mario Livio writes in the current issue of Scientific American: Why Math Works?  ; the answer is, both mathematical facts, and their fit to physical measurements, produce this result. Humans cherry pick the equations that work. Also he claims we live in a "lawful" Universe, i.e. symmetries and regularities exist in our neck of the woods, as we have come to understand using  the Anthropic Principle. If we weren't here, we would not see a regular universe.

What is the worldview good for?

We should be able to understand all the fits that work, and that we pompously call "Laws of Nature", as different successes of a single principle; "if the boot fits, wear it."

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