Wednesday, May 08, 2013
Annie Aquino's Quiz
Chapter 15
Annie Aquino
What are the three major types of galaxies?
-halo, bulge, disk, spiral arms
How are galaxies grouped together?
-spiral galaxies are often found in groups of galaxies to a few dozen galaxies
-elliptical galaxies are much more common in huge clusters of galaxies
How do we measure the distance to galaxies?
-brightness alone does not provide enough information to measure distance
-1.determine the size of the solar system using radar
-2. determine distances out to a few hundred light years using parallax
3.divide luminosity by area to get brightness
Apparent brightness of a stars clusters main sequence tells us its distance
-knowing a star clusters distance we can determine the luminosity of each type of star
within it
-apparent brightness of a white dwarf supernova tells us the distance to its galaxy
What is Hubble's law?
-Hubble settled e debate by measuring the distance to the Andromeda galaxy using
cepheid variables using Cepheid variables as standard candles
-Hubble also knew that the spectral features of virtually all galaxies are redshiftefd,
they're all moving away from us
-distances of the farthest galaxies are measured from red shifts
How do distance measurements tell us the age of the universe?
-the expansion of the universe came into being at a single moment in time
-distances between faraway galaxies change while light travels
-astronomers think in terms of look back time rather than distance
-expansion stretches photon wave lengths causing a cosmological redshift directly
related to look back time
How do we observe the life histories of galaxies?
--images of deep universer
How did galaxies form?
-matter originally filled all of space almost uniformly
-gravity of denser regions pulled in surrounding matter
-denser regions contracted forming protogactic clouds
-supernova explosions from the first of the gas rom forming stars
-left over gas settled into a spinning disk
Why do galaxies differ?
- initial angular momentum of protogalactic cloud could determine the size of the
resulting disk
-elliptical galaxies could come from dense protogalactic clouds that were able to cool
and form stars before gas settled into a disk
-observations of some distant red elliptical galaxies support the idea that most of their
stars vey early in the history of the universe
-the collisions we observe nearby trigger bursts of star formation
-collisions may explain why galaxies may be found where galaxies are closer together
What are quasars?
-an unusually bright center of galaxy
-quasars powerfully radiate energy over a very wide range of wave lengths, indicating
that they contain matter with a wide range of temperatures
What is the power source from quasars and other active galactic
-quasars are probably powered by matter falling into super massive black holes
Do supermassive black holes really exist?
-observations of rapidly orbiting material at the centers of galaxies indicate that at least
some galaxies and perhaps all of them harbor supermassive black holes
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