Tuesday, March 18, 2014

[1403.4132] Higgs Chaotic Inflation and the Primordial B-mode Polarization Discovered by BICEP2

[1403.4132] Higgs Chaotic Inflation and the Primordial B-mode Polarization Discovered by BICEP2:

 "We show that the standard model Higgs field can realize the quadratic chaotic inflation, if the kinetic term is significantly modified at large field values. This is a simple realization of the so-called running kinetic inflation. The point is that the Higgs field respects an approximate shift symmetry at high energy scale. The tensor-to-scalar ratio is predicted to be $r \simeq 0.13 - 0.16$, which nicely explains the primordial B-mode polarization, $r=0.20^{+0.07}_{-0.05}$, recently discovered by the BICEP2 experiment. In particular, allowing small modulations induced by the shift symmetry breaking, the negative running spectral index can also be induced. The reheating temperature is expected to be so high that successful thermal leptogenesis is possible. The suppressed quartic coupling of the Higgs field at high energy scales may be related to the Higgs chaotic inflation."

Our Universe experienced an accelerated expansion at a very early stage of the evolution , i.e., inflation [1, 2].

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