Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Dark Matter?

Read the article below.

Neat Gamma Ray Dot in the center of the lower graph.

Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile.

Argentinian, Mexican, and English.

32.25 GeV Dark Matter Particle

Usually ; here we get a steeper core. Dark matter is proved by these gamma ray measurements. Given that the Milky Way, is the closest galaxy (we are inside!), it stands to reason that the core here insinuated, could be used for the Universe as a whole. It will be interesting to find in future textbooks, that we know the Universe better, because we know our Galaxy. This would be the ultimate: Know Thyself!

"There are signfi cant reasons to conclude, however, that the gamma-ray signal described in this paper is far more likely to be a detection of dark matter than any of the previously reported anomalies. Firstly, this signal
consists of a very large number of events, and has been detected with overwhelming statistical signi ficance. The the excess consists of  gamma rays per square meter, per year above 1 GeV  (from within 10° of the Galactic Center)."

"Within 10° of the Galactic Center, this model predicts that millisecond pulsars should account for ~ 1% of the observed diffuse emission, and less than ~ 5-10% of the signal described in this paper."

"In this study, we have revisited and scrutinized the gamma-ray emission from the central regions of the Milky Way, as measured by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope. In doing so, we have confi rmed a robust and highly statistically signifi cant excess, with a spectrum and angular distribution that is in excellent agreement with that expected from annihilating dark matter."

" In   particular,  a dark matter particle with this cross section will freeze-out of thermal equilibrium in the early universe to yield an abundance approximately equal to the measured cosmological dark matter density."

 "In light of these considerations, we consider annihilating dark matter  particles to be the leading explanation   for the origin of this signal, with potentially profound implications for cosmology and particle physics."

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