Saturday, August 16, 2014

[1401.7848] Realizing three generations of the Standard Model fermions in the type IIB matrix model

[1401.7848] Realizing three generations of the Standard Model fermions in the type IIB matrix model:

"We discuss how the Standard Model particles appear from the type IIB matrix model, which is considered to be a nonperturbative formulation of superstring theory. In particular, we are concerned with a constructive definition of the theory, in which we start with finite-N matrices and take the large-N limit afterwards. In that case, it was pointed out recently that realizing chiral fermions in the model is more difficult than it had been thought from formal arguments at N=infinity and that introduction of a matrix version of the warp factor is necessary. Based on this new insight, we show that two generations of the Standard Model fermions can be realized by considering a rather generic configuration of fuzzy S^2 and fuzzy S^2 * S^2 in the extra dimensions. We also show that three generations can be obtained by squashing one of the S^2's that appear in the configuration. Chiral fermions appear at the intersections of the fuzzy manifolds with nontrivial Yukawa couplings to the Higgs field, which can be calculated from the overlap of their wave functions."

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