Wednesday, September 10, 2014

After the atrocities committed against Muslims in Bosnia, it is no wonder today’s jihadis have set out on the path to war in Syria

Robert Fisk: The Independent

In 1993, walking across the Qasr el-Nil bridge in Cairo, I was stopped by a young man. Was I a reporter, he asked? Had I been in Bosnia? I told him I had just returned from Mostar. He was almost in tears. He wanted to help the Bosnian Muslim women who had been raped by the Serbs, he said. He wanted to go to Bosnia and marry one of them, to give her a “pure” life. He repeated this, over and over again. I tried to explain that he didn’t speak Serbo-Croatian, that many of the women were already married before their capture by the Serbs. Within minutes, however, a uniformed Egyptian police officer approached us and ordered the man to leave. “I am sorry,” he said to me. Why, I asked? Here was an Egyptian man who wanted to offer help to a Muslim woman.

The man’s crime, of course, was that he had been “radicalised”. He was deeply upset by reports of the mass rape of 20,000 Muslim women in Bosnia – the figure may have been exaggerated, but the West certainly did nothing to prevent these atrocities – and he wanted to do something about it. Perhaps he had heard that the Egyptian theologian Youssef Qaradawi, at a Zagreb conference on human rights in March of 1993, had urged young men to marry the victims of rape “to honour them”, as an Arab newspaper reported at the time, “and as a sign of respect for their sacrifice”.

I used to travel to the Balkan wars from Beirut via Budapest and would regularly return to Lebanon, still partly in ruins from its own 15-year war, to rest. I would swim, and read on my seafront balcony, and largely ignore the hideous photographs of Bosnian massacres on the front pages of the Arab press. Been there, seen that, I would arrogantly say to myself. And so I largely missed the expressions of fury and impotence of the Arabs in response to a genocide of Muslims which, for months after month, the West resolutely refused to prevent.

Going through those pages in the Beirut newspaper archives today, I find hundreds of articles demanding help for the outgunned and outnumbered Bosnian defenders, blaming the UN for both the partition of Palestine and the partition of Bosnia, comparing Bosnia with the Muslim expulsion from Andalusia, and praising Arab Muslims who – horror of horrors – had gone to fight for their Bosnian co-religionists. The Lebanese magazine as-Shiraa reported on the West’s sudden fear of “the ‘devil’ of fundamentalism” in Bosnia. The Emirati newspaper al-Ittihad claimed, with good reason, that governments of “the Islamic world” were copying the West – by doing nothing. It was the individual Arab who was prepared to fight for his Muslim brothers in the Balkans.

Bill Clinton refused an Iranian offer of battalions of regular troops to defend Bosnia – this would be unwarranted intervention in the affairs of Europe – but no one objected when guns arrived for Bosnian forces from Muslim countries. Hezbollah in Lebanon – though Shia – initially sent 150 volunteers to Bosnia, then Algerians arrived, fresh from fighting their own government. An entire mujahedin battalion emerged in the forests of Bosnia – the “muj” we journalists called them, rather superciliously – while individual Iranian fighters paid their own way to Sarajevo. The face of one of their martyrs occupies an entire apartment bloc wall in Tehran today.

Yet while the US State Department privately told us in Bosnia that “fundamentalism” – the horror word of the time – might take root in Bosnia, no one spoke of “radicalisation”. It was regarded as quite natural that Arab Muslims might want to help their Bosnian brothers and sisters, not least because, for at least two years, we intended to do nothing about it. It even worked for the “Christian” side in the war. I remember an ex-British soldier serving as a mercenary for the Croats – wearing his former Marine uniform, complete with green beret.

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