Tuesday, February 23, 2016


On Sunday I witnessed a funeral in a beautiful synagogue.

While several members of my family were remembering my beloved aunt, I was admiring the light design of the temple. Together with the singularity type shapes, directed to a point an infinite distance above.


I helped pouring dirt on top of the wooden coffin. There were a few younger, and older relatives, all of us bereaved, in our own way.

That is how life goes, in a moment we appear, and in a moment we disappear.

The U.S. recently lost a Supreme Court Judge, a man of knowledge of the law, and with a Catholic Moral Education. That was a great loss as well.

This country where I live, is going through a chaotic moment. The three branches of government are in disarray. The Senate won't even talk to the President, about a replacement of the dear Judge.

Like one of the presidential candidates, I believe in the Golden Rule my father taught me. Do Unto Others, as You Want Others to do Unto You.

If we just listen to that Old Moral Law, we will get through this chaotic moment, as we have always done until now.

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