Monday, April 23, 2007

Alternatives to Established Institutions

Several years ago American parents disatisfied with public schools started the alternative school system. When we immigrated to the US in 1994 we took advantage of the laws of the state of Illinois to homeschool our daughter. She had a good time, maybe she did not learn much, she has not finished college yet; but there are some works of art she did, that I am very proud of, and I believe she did that because she felt free. She did go to established schools, all the way to the university level. My son also went through a homeschool period and now is doing well in the public high school near our house.

On the other hand, I have some students now in the public high school where I teach that act as if in jail.

I do not have a set opinion. I do not believe that public schools are doomed to fail and that the way out are charter or home schools. But by the same token alternative schools should not be dismissed out of hand.

Now that I am looking for a new place to work, because the school administration did not rehire me, and the referendum to increase taxes did not pass, I am again considering alternatives. The immigrant community of this neighborhood can take the future in their own hands. They are already doing that with private-public transportation and some family businesses. Maybe is time that I take the plunge. If the old system cannot digest me, I have to find a way to contribute to my community.

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