Sunday, April 22, 2007

I Think, Therefore I Am

The old cartesian thought is as good a place to start today's meditation as any. I am trying to make sense of my situation and the needed steps to go forward. The saying allows me to start from scratch. I am in front of my keyboard after reading the news from The NYT, Newsweek, Time, and the Mexico City, La Jornada. Today's is Earth Day, I was reminded of my responsibility as a citizen of the Earth.

I am short of cash and without a job offer for next fall.

I see some opportunities based on the following developments. On May 1st, there will be a second immigrant march in all of the US. Last year hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in the streets and succeeded in calling attention to a grave problem. The illegal status of millions of people in this country. The recent announcement by the IPCC on the state of the Earth calls all of us to action. In consequence there are some tasks ahead of us. I can be doing next year some work for both causes. Save the planet and help migration. Both are intimately related.

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