Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Michael Moore With Amy Goodman

In our worst moments we have to pull together. I understand Moore's disappointment with the work of the Obama Administration, and the recent Supreme Court decision about corporations being just like you and me, good, little, individuals with personhood under the US Constitution.

There is a time for everything, like one reads in Ecclesiastes 3:4

Let us grieve, and then move on.

We have your show Amy: What else do we have?

Beautiful phrase and image in Democracy Now!

People are very upset, and are easily manipulated.

Michael Moore

That statement by Moore, made me imagine all the Haitians getting more, and more upset now. When the US Marines take over the country, they are going to be received like heroes. while the hungry Haitians will be going at each other's throats.

"Let them get upset at each other, and then move in". I can imagine some smart Harvard graduate advising the rulers of the world.

We can't just cry like toddlers. Let us move on.

Complex systems cannot be controlled, when the rulers loose control of the world. We should be ready to come together, like the brothers and sisters we all are. That is the way out I see.

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