Saturday, February 13, 2010

How Will This Unravel?

It all started with Aurelio Peccei and the Club of Rome. I was 18, and had been reading the news, since I was like 10.

The world is going to end, they said. Malthus had seen it. So far , so good. We are still here.

Nonetheless, I see the Mexican political system breaking down. Today the kids protested in Ciudad Juárez. The President wants to put more authority where the problem is, but members of his own party are opposing that move. Wall Street deceived the World with Subprime loans in the US, and under the table deals in Greece. Now the US and the EU are broken. The bankers got bonuses, though.

From that NYT article linked above we have:

"But with the help of JPMorgan, Italy was able to do more than that. Despite persistently high deficits, a 1996 derivative helped bring Italy’s budget into line by swapping currency with JPMorgan at a favorable exchange rate, effectively putting more money in the government’s hands. In return, Italy committed to future payments that were not booked as liabilities."

This is what I expect.
  • Climate Change
  • Worldwide Recession
  • Massive Migrations
  • Population Growth Stops
Will the only Intelligent Species disappear from the Universe?

I hope not.

So it goes.

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