Friday, October 15, 2010

Héctor Vicario Castrejón (HVC)

There was a power shift last night here in Chilpancingo.

The president (HVC) of the governing commission of the local congress, lost control, and left the chamber.

I feel a seismic political shift right this moment here in Guerrero.

I give context here, for all Guerrerenses reading this.

I have written here about my grandma's siblings, Mardonio V. , Rosendo, Abraham, and Fidel Castro Uriza here.

The small town of Huitzuco in the northern part of Guerrero state, was the first to go to war February 28, 1911. Other towns like Iguala, Chilpancingo, Acapulco, and some more, followed suit later. My great uncles were among the organizers of the 1910 Mexican Revolution. Another important family was the Figueroa Mata family, and their cousin Andrés Figueroa Figueroa from the even smaller town of Chaucingo.

Huitzuco is the county capital, Chaucingo is the small town at the right of this map. next to the Amacuzac river, close to Puebla state.

Few of the direct descendants of the Figueroa Mata, and Figueroa Figueroa continued in Government once the war was over. Two of them were Rubén, and Ruffo Figueroa Figueroa. Now Rubén's son Ruben Figueroa Alcocer is the political boss pulling the strings in Guerrero politics. It seems he wants his son to run for Senator and eventually for Governor.

As a member of the family I do not side with this line that seems to have lost power last night in Congress. They are, in the words of a cousin, Nouveau Riche.

HVC is the political operative of Rubén Figueroa Alcocer. He lost control to a defector of his Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Ángel Aguirre Rivero.

This is reminiscent of Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solorzano, leaving the party his father, Lázaro Cárdemas del Río, founded. In 1988 he run in the opposition, as now Senator Aguirre is doing, then Cuauhtémoc broke the camel's neck; by 2000 PRI lost to Vicent Fox.

I hope Aguirre wins next year here in Guerrero, against the ``cacique'' appointed candidate, the former mayor of Acapulco, Manuel Añorve Baños. 

More on Ángel Aguirre here.

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