Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Appointment With History

""Navy Pier is today's Ellis Island, and while they saw New York City, today they see Chicago," said Illinois congressman Luis Gutierrez. "But the most important thing is they see America.""


Yesterday was a historic day.

Navy Pier became Ellis Island, in the words of the great American politician, Luis Gutierrez.

If you have visited this site at all, you know I am Mexican American, like my children. The only difference with the kids getting ready to apply to stay legally in the US, and my children, is that my wife's ancestors came through Ellis Island, many years ago from Eastern Europe, then like now, many Nativists did not want my people be free.

Oh! Let My People Go!

My wife's ancestors escaped from the Zhar's clinched fists, my people now, are escaping from the criminal gangs that control Mexico.

I am very happy. Thanks President Obama: Liberator of the Mexican People!

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