Saturday, August 11, 2012

Yugoslavia, Syria, Mexico, and the USA

I wrote a note on this blog. How Many Syrians Are Coming? The USA may have the land, and the resources to take some refugees. Now I read Robert Fisk's report on the Syrian tragedy, as it affects Palestinians. I remembered a friend, who left Yugoslavia to live in Mexico.

Always the same story, the neighbors come and help themselves to cars, and furniture.

When my father died in Ecatepec, near Mexico City, it was a Sunday, and he was alone. He had a little store, and he worked hard. It was early in the morning, when he called my sister, because he wasn't feeling well. When she got there, he was dead, and SOMEBODY had taken his watch.

During the current Mexican administration of the conservative party PAN, it has become frequent for neighbors to kidnap your pets, and relatives for ransom. There is no penalty, so it is getting widespread. Mexico is a Failed Nation.

Sometimes neighbors are not to be trusted. When that happens, the country has failed.

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