Thursday, January 31, 2013

Allison Thompson Quiz


1.What is our place in the universe?
         We are located in one of the many galaxies. Ours is called the Milky Way. 
How did we come to be?
  -After the Big Bang created new elements, which created stars. Stars that live and die that in return create humans. Humans that are made of the same elements as stars.
How can we know what the universe was like in the past?
 -We can only see so far into the past of the universe because it was here far before we were. The most one can see back into the universe would be 14 light years away.
Can we see the entire universe?
 -No  the universe is far to large for us to see the whole universe
How big is Earth compared to our solar system?
 - The sun would be the size of a grapefruit, which would make the earth the size of the tip of a pen, and Jupiter would be the size of a marble.
How far away are the stars?
-stars are 4400 kilometers away.
How big is the Milky Way Galaxy?
- The Milky way Galaxy is one of the 100 billion galaxies, and it will take over 3000 years to count all of the stars.
How big is the universe?
- 14 billion light years in radius
How do our lifetimes compare to the age of the universe?
-Our lifetimes revolve around a calendar year, which the universe does not.
How is Earth moving in our solar system?
- The earth continually rotates on an axis.

1 comment:

Eduardo Cantoral said...

Allison, welcome to the site.

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