Thursday, January 31, 2013

Michael Redmond

  1. What is our place in the universe? - we are on planet earth in our solar system which is in the milky-way galaxy which is part of the universe.
  2. How did we come to be? - we are made of star dust from destroyed stars.
  3. How can we know what the universe was like in the past? - if we look far away we can see what something looks  like in the past because the light takes time to get here.
  4. Can we see the entire universe? - no because the light from 15 billion light years away hasn't reached us yet.
  5. How big is Earth compared to our solar system? - if the earth is the size of a ball point pen than our solar system is thousands of miles across.
  6. How far away are the stars? - very far.
  7. How big is the Milky Way Galaxy? - it would take 3000 years to count every star in our galaxy.
  8. How big is the universe? - there are about 100 billion galaxies. as many stars as grains of sand on all of earths beaches.
  9. How do our lifetimes compare to the age of the universe? - on the cosmic calendar humans have only been around for a few seconds.
  10. How is Earth moving in our solar system? - the earth is spinning and rotating around the sun. the solar system is rotating around the galaxies

1 comment:

Eduardo Cantoral said...

good work.

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