Monday, May 18, 2015

Two Mexican Students: Two Life Paths

First the good news:

My friend Valentina Glockner, recently got her Ph.D. at the Anthropology Department of a first tier university in Mexico City: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. She is going to speak at her Alma Mater, about her work.

She is on her way to a brilliant academic career.

Now the sad news:

Her name was Sara A. Medina. She studied at East Aurora High School, from 2006 to 2010. I taught bilingual mathematics to her class, near my house in Warrenville, Illinois.

I found out about her death yesterday. 

She was a photographer with the Marine Corps, on a humanitarian mission to Nepal. She died in a helicopter accident, with other Americans, and Nepalese.

Life is full of events, some good, and some bad.

I feel admiration for Valentina's family, and sadness, and sorrow  for Sara's.

Both are the best that Mexico produces.

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