Monday, December 04, 2017

Crypto currencies: bitcoin, ether, and PETRO!

Last September I gave a talk on crypto currencies, you can read it here in Spanish.

Since then there have been some developments, and there were other aspects which I didn't include, and had already happened.

First important antecedents not mentioned before.

Syriza had a genius finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis who is our contemporary Aristotle. He almost established a crypto currency to defeat European bankers who control the European Union, the Greek crypto currency would've taken the role of the euro, but his Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras did not have the courage, and lost that once in a lifetime opportunity.

Today I salute Nicolás Maduro, who did have the courage.

You can read about the petro here.

To establish a currency, as I wrote in my previous note, you need a sovereign state.

The first sovereign state to establish a crypto currency in the History of Humankind is Venezuela.

¡Viva Bolívar, Viva Venezuela!

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