Monday, December 04, 2017

Gold in Mexico

Hard Times:

Through Mesoamerica we are witnessing a repeat of a war five hundred years old.

Yesterday Andrés Manuel López Obrado (AMLO) went to Taxco, where the whole thing started.

In Mexico Grammar School is mandatory, if parents don't send their children to school, they can be punished.

"La Educación es Gratuita, Obligatoria y Laica"

It is with no monetary cost , "Gratuita", and it is a duty for parents to send their children to school, "Obligatoria". "Laica" means based on Science not Religion.

This is Article Third of the current Mexican Constitution.

I learnt at grammar school that Hernán Cortés tortured Cuauhtémoc, the Aztec Emperor, to get the location of gold mines.

They lied to us, they taught us that Cuahtémoc didn't rat.

He did tell Cortés. How do I know?

Because the first Spanish mine in Mexico was in Taxco. Cuahtémoc was born nearby, in Ixcateopan. Obviously Cortés got his information by torturing the Emperor.

Now AMLO is restarting the war for Gold.

Miners in Taxco have been on strike for years now. The only reason the owners of the mines have not relented is because the Mexican neoliberal government of Enrique Peña Nieto is getting himself rich out of that arrangement.

Time is up!

AMLO is with Cuahtémoc and with all patriotic Mexicans who want the Gold Back.

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