Monday, May 20, 2024


Two teen prodigies shocked America with a cynical murder 100 years ago - The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness

Two teen prodigies shocked America with a cynical murder 100 years ago

Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb killed a child for the thrill — and to prove that people with superior intellects could get away with it.

May 20, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Nathan Leopold, 19, far right, and Richard Loeb, 18, second from right, are seen during their arraignment in a Cook County, Ill., courtroom with attorney Clarence Darrow, left, in July 1924. (AP)
6 min

Teenagers Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb cruised around a leafy section of Chicago on the idyllic spring afternoon of May 21, 1924, searching for a neighborhood boy to kill.

The duo weren’t motivated by vengeance, greed or hate. They wanted to kill a child for the simple thrill of it, and to prove to themselves that people with superior intellects could get away with murder.

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