Friday, October 01, 2010

Today I met a Beautiful Girl [:( & :) = Human Condition]

She is the daughter of an ex-Mayor of Huitzuco. My mother also was the Mayor's daughter from 1955 to 1956. This girl's  father held that position from 1996 to 1999.

Like my mother she is beautiful.

I have a few things in my mind I write here.

This was a hectic day. I was told I'll be paid next pay day. We are paid every other week. I was not paid today.  Luckily I have some money in the bank. My workmates are frantically filling formats to get research money. The Rector just announced the University does not have money to pay us in December. Ecuador police chief rebelled and was sacked.

I went to Huitzuco to teach a Mexican Economics class, you can read about that class in Spanish, here.

Who gets to be Mayor there, and what is going to happen to the town?

Like Secretary of Rumsfeld said, that is unknowable.

My grandpa was elected, and this girl's dad also was elected. What will happen to the town? Drug dealers are already moving in. There are decent people there and I hope the decent people win.

Can I be Mayor and smoke them out?

I'd like to :( & :)  that is the human condition.

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