Saturday, April 28, 2012

Of Veterans, Kahane, and Others

I am happy to report that I have a nephew who is a Veteran!

He found me through one of my posts where I expressed my admiration for my Mexican ancestors that fought the Good War there against Porfirio Diaz, a rotten dictator. Julio, my nephew, as well as myself, are very proud of Fidel Castro Uriza, our common ancestor. He was my Granma's dear brother. After the Mexican Revolution he died prematurely in Huitzuco, in a heroic act,  trying to save a neighbor's house. His orphan children had to leave  town, and made a new life in Tijuana, and California. My aunt Irma, took care of me, when I went to UCSB for graduate studies in Physics.

 Obama recently signed an order, to protect young men and women, like Julio, so they are not ripped off by businessmen running schools for profit. These young people won the right to get Government support to study. The GI bill for World World II, and Korea's War veterans, helped my uncle, Bill Coronado, Irma's husband, to get a dental technician degree, that allowed him, to take care of his family since the fifties. Irma, and my late mother Emma, were like sisters. I miss them both.

My father in law, Milton, also benefited from the GI Bill. I owe a lot to the US Government.

 Gabriel Kahane is a young artist you can read about in the note below. His education was American, with GED and all. I also volunteered with GED tutoring, at College of Dupage. This man could not take regular school, but he is talented, and in the US, there is always a chance for talented people. I have a beautiful daughter, who is also an artist, and struggling. My son is a budding artist getting ready to face the world with the help of the University of Iowa.

Slowly, but surely, I am becoming an American, with an American family.

Without having lived in Europe or China, I can see that the US has a bright future, and I explain why in this note.

A young Turkish-Armenian-American scholar, Daron Acemoglu, recently discovered  the nature of the Institutions that make a country great, they are the Economic and Political  Inclusive Institutions. They exist in this world, side by side, with the Extractive Institutions that exist almost everywhere on Earth, and that have existed almost through all Human History.

The first full blown Inclusive Political and Economical Institutions appeared in England, in 1688, with the Glorious Revolution.

Today, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Great Britain, are some examples of countries where historical conditions, and the struggles of their people, produced these two types of Inclusive Institutions.

China has Extractive Institutions right now; so her growth is not sustainable, it is already slowing down, as the internal fights in the Communist Party, which I have been reporting on this blog, demonstrate.

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