Saturday, April 28, 2012

Red Popo

"El centro de monitoreo, dependiente de la Segob informó que en las últimas 24 horas en la cima del coloso se registraron 12 exhalaciones de baja a mediana intensidad. Por la mañana, Felipe Calderón dio cuenta del evento explosivo a través de su cuenta de Twitter; sin embargo, se limitó a informar que el volcán está en calma."

"The monitoring center, under the Interior Ministry reported that in the last 24 hours on top of the colossus there were 12 exhalations of low to medium intensity. In the morning, Felipe Calderon reported the explosive event through his Twitter account, but merely said that the volcano is calm." (Done with Google Translate)

La Jornada

President Calderon claims the volcano is calm.

I wonder if the country is calm also.

Those kids in Michoacan look very upset to me.

BTW: Felipe Calderon is from Michoacan.
BTW: The brilliant star is Venus. Is this a 2012 Mayan Prophecy?

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