Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Who is Right?

I have been following on this blog the Wal-Mart corruption case in Mexico. In Puebla a new neighborhood, "La Margarita", where I used to live when I taught there, is opposing Wal-Mart, with the argument that they are corrupt. Wal-Mart pays its way through the destruction of small stores supplying Mexicans with everything, from tortillas to milk, by paying bribes, that thank to the NYT we now know, reach  the tens of millions of dollars range.

My father ended his life as a small store owner north of Mexico City, in San Cristobal Ecatepec. It was hard, he died of a heart attack at the age of 63, Wal-Mart would have killed him before that age, if they had invaded Mexico then, like they are doing right now.

Karla Zabludovsky reports in the note below, that ALMOST ALL MEXICO is corrupt.

I agree with her; that is part of the reason why I live in the US now.

Therefore the NYT is right. Wal-Mart broke the law, both Mexican and American laws, and they have to pay a big fine. Felipe Calderon, the Mexican President won't do anything, he is as corrupt as the Wal-Mart executive in Mexico, responsible for this crime, the Ecuadorian Eduardo Castro-Whrigt, who I believe should be called Eduardo Castro-Wrong.

No, they should be fined by the Obama administration for breaking American laws.

In a perfect world, the money should be paid to the likes of my late father, Humberto Cantoral Sr.


I believe that Mexicans can save Mexico:

"Another major party candidate, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who has often criticized Wal-Mart’s practices, said Sunday that the case showed the government was “rotten.”"


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