Thursday, January 24, 2008

End of the World in Mexico?

I was reading La Jornada, a Mexico City newspaper and found this:

“Aquí se sintió horrible. Todo fue muy repentino, comenzó como un viento seco, fuerte, fuera de lo normal, a lo lejos se veían como luces de explosiones, pero después comenzó como a lloviznar, nada más unas gotitas. La verdad parecía como el fin del mundo”.

José Leonardo, comerciante

"Here it felt horrible. Everything was very sudden, it started as a dry wind, strong, not normal, far away one could see like lights from explosions, but later it started like a light rain, just a few drops. The truth is that it seemed like the end of the world"

José Leonardo, sales person.

I have been looking for signals to understand climate change. This qualifies; I do not remember strong winds that dropped eighteen feet trees on top of cars killing passengers inside in Mexico City, and I lived there twenty three years. Four people died and many lost electric power service to their homes.

I will keep looking.

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