Wednesday, August 13, 2008


"Finalmente, la fuente aseguró que en los órganos de inteligencia del gobierno estatal era totalmente desconocida la presencia del supuesto lugarteniente del ex militar Pascual Monje Solís, aunque se cree que es información que se reservaron las fuentes de inteligencia militar. “Fue algo que no compartieron con nosotros”, estableció."

My translation:

Finally, the source said, that in the state intelligence apparatus, the presence of the alleged lieutenant of the ex soldier Pascual Monte Solís, was completely unknown, it is believed though, that military intelligence "kept that information away from us", he stated.

Now we find out that there is a war going on in Guerrero State. Federal forces are involved, and they cannot apprehend one man after sending several soldiers to do it.

ERPI stands for Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo Insurgente (Insurgent People Revolutionary Army)

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