Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Family and The Guerrero Dirty War

I am in an uncomfortable position. We are from Huitzuco. Recently young people have been killed there, [link]. My uncle was in charge of security during the dirty war in the 70s. Now the Rosendo Radilla case has become a cause celèbre. People under my uncle are responsible. Now my uncle is dead, and Rosendo also.

Where do I stand?

I left to California in 1973, when my uncle and the state were at war. Now my colleagues are from the side my uncle prosecuted. I want to believe, that it were his underlings who did the evil deeds. But is it reasonable? Even if he didn't know, he was responsible.

I feel awkward. I just hope nobody blames me. I kept my distance with my uncle and all the PRI government. My family in Huitzuco won the Revolutionary war, and then they ruled.

Fortunately (?) only a few people were guilty. The rest of us are "innocent". Besides nobody has been punished. Only President Calderón has apologized to the Radilla family.

Nobody is happy.

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