Thursday, February 28, 2013

Allison Thompson Quiz 6

1. What does the solar system look like?
* Tiny planets with clear patterns and motions.
* Planets are tiny compared to the distance between them.
2.What features of our solar system provide clues to how it formed?
 * Sun, planets, and moons orbit in an organized way.
* Terresetrial Planets are rocky, small and close to the sun.
*Jovial Planets are large, gasous and far from the sun.

3. What theory best explains the features of our solar system?

4. Where did the solar system come from?
 The cloud of gas that gives birth to our solar system resulted in from the recycled of gas through many generation of stars within our galaxy.

5.What caused the orderly patterns of motion in our solar system?
 As gravity forced the cloud to become smaller, it begun to spin faster.
*As gravity forced the cloud to shrink, it spins faster.
* Collisions forced the cloud to compress into a disc.
* Collisions between gas particles gradually reduce random motions
* Collisions between gas particles all reduce up and down motions
* Spinning cloud flattens as it shrinks

6. Why are there two major types of planets?
 Outer planet gets bigger because of the abundance of hydrogen compounds
* Outer planets accrete and keep H/He gases

7.  Where did asteroids and comets come from?
Left over planetesimals pieces

8. How do we explain the existence of our Moon and other exceptions to the rules?
A big planetesimal slammed into a newly formed earth. Rotations are the only exceptions.

9.  When did the planets form?
We are not sure.

10.How do we detect planets around other stars?

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