Thursday, February 07, 2013
Quiz Amber Reed
Amber Reed
How did Copernicus, Tycho, and Kepler challenge the Earth centered model?
Copernicus proposed the sun centered model, he used this model to show the layout of the solar system. The model was no accurate in predicting planet positions due to using circles still in the model. Tycho compiled the most accurate naked eyes measurements that were made in planter positions. He could not see the stellar parallax and thought the earth must be the center of the solar system, yet he did feel other planets orbited the sun. Kepler tried t match Tycho’s observations with circular orbits. Yet, an 8 arc minute discrepancy brought him to eventually to ellipses.
What are Kepler's three laws of planetary motion?
The first law was the orbit of each planet around the sun is an ellipses with the sun at one focus. The second law was a planet moves around its orbit, it also sweeps out equal areas in equal times. The third law was most distant planets orbit the sun at slower average speeds, obeying the relationship.
How did Galileo solidify the Copernican revolution?
He solidified it by overcoming the major objections made by Aristotle. Galileo’s experiments did in fact show that objects in air would stay with earth. Aristotle has said all objects would come to rest naturally. Galileo brought up the idea and showed that objects will stay in motion unless force acts to slow there object down. That was Isaac Newton’s first law of motion.
How can we distinguish science from nonscience?
Defining science is a difficult task; this is because not all knowledge comes from science. Science seeks explanations for observations but rely solely on natural cases. Science can only progress from creation and testing of models. Any scientific modal cannot include divine intervention.
What is a scientific theory?
Scientific theory must explain wide variety of observations with few simple principles. It must also be supported by a large body of evidence. It cannot have failed any crucial tests which test validity.
What does the universe look like from Earth?
From any location on Earth, we see half the celestial sphere at given time as the dome of our local sky. The horizon is the boundary between the Earth and sky, the zenith is the point directly overhead. Then the median runs from due south to the due north through the zenith.
Why was planetary motion so hard to explain?
It is due to apparent retrograde, meaning backwards. This is when planets which usually move eastward through the constellations, occasionally reverse moving westward through the zodiac.
Why did the ancient Greeks reject the real explanation for planetary motion?
They rejected the real explanation to planetary motion because they explained it by stating that Earth was the center of the universe. They felt the heavens were perfect because the objects move on a perfect sphere or circle.
In what ways do all humans use scientific thinking?
Scientific thinking is based on everyday ideas from observing and trial and error experimentations.
How did astronomical observations benefit ancient societies?
The benefited from the observations because it helped in keeping track of time and seasons. It also helped with agriculture, religious and ceremonial purposes. It also aided in navigation.
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