Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chapter 6 Notes Jessica Brandon

Chapter 6 Formation of Planetary Systems Our Solar System and Beyond
·      The solar system exhibits clear patterns of composition and motion.
·      These patterns are far more important and interesting than numbers, names, and other trivia.
·      Planets are very tiny compared to distances between them.
·      Over 99.9% of solar system’s mass
·      Made mostly of H/He gas (plasma)
·      Converts 4 million tons of mass into energy each second
·      Made of metal and rock; large iron core
·      Desolate, cratered; long, tall, steep cliffs
·      Very hot and very cold: 425°C (day), –170°C (night)
·      Nearly identical in size to Earth; surface hidden by clouds
·      Hellish conditions due to an extreme greenhouse effect
·      Even hotter than Mercury: 470°C, day and night
·      An oasis of life
·      The only surface liquid water in the solar system
·      A surprisingly large moon
·      Looks almost Earth-like, but don’t go without a spacesuit!
·      Giant volcanoes, a huge canyon, polar caps, and more
·      Water flowed in the distant past; could there have been life?
·      Much farther from Sun than inner planets
·      Mostly H/He; no solid surface
·      300 times more massive than Earth
·      Many moons, rings Jupiter Jupiter’s moons can be as interesting as planets themselves, especially Jupiter’s four Galilean moons
·      Io (shown here): Active volcanoes all over
·      Europa: Possible subsurface ocean
·      Ganymede: Largest moon in solar system
·      Callisto: A large, cratered “ice ball”Saturn
·      Giant and gaseous like Jupiter
·      Spectacular rings
·      Many moons, including cloudy Titan
·      Cassini spacecraft currently studying it
·      Rings are NOT solid; they are made of countless small chunks of ice and rock, each orbiting like a tiny moon.
·      Smaller than Jupiter/Saturn; much larger than Earth
·      Made of H/He gas and hydrogen compounds (H2O, NH3, CH4)
·      Extreme axis tilt
·      Moons and rings
·      Similar to Uranus (except for axis tilt)
·      Many moons (including Triton)
Neptune Pluto and Eris
·      Much smaller than other planets
·      Icy, comet-like composition
·      Pluto’s moon Charon is similar in size to Pluto
****What features of our solar system provide clues to how it formed? ****
Motion of Large Bodies
·      All large bodies in the solar system orbit in the same direction and in nearly the same plane.
·      Most also rotate in that direction.
Two Major Planet Types
·      Terrestrial planets are rocky, relatively small, and close to the Sun.
·      Jovian planets are gaseous, larger, and farther from the Sun.
Swarms of Smaller Bodies
·      Many rocky asteroids and icy comets populate the solar system. Notable Exceptions
·      Several exceptions to normal patterns need to be explained.
·      Swarms of Smaller Bodies
·      According to the nebular theory, our solar system formed from a giant cloud of interstellar gas.

****Where did the solar system come from? ****
·      Galactic Recycling
·      Elements that formed planets were made in stars and then recycled through interstellar space.
·      Evidence from Other Gas Clouds
·      We can see stars forming in other interstellar gas clouds, lending support to the nebular theory.
·      The Orion Nebula with Proplyds
****What caused the orderly patterns of motion in our solar system? ****
·      Orbital and Rotational Properties of the Planets Conservation of Angular Momentum
·      The rotation speed of the cloud from which our solar system formed must have increased as the cloud contracted.
·      Rotation of a contracting cloud speeds up for the same reason a skater speeds up as she pulls in her arms.
·      Collisions between particles in the cloud caused it to flatten into a disk.
·      Flattening Collisions between gas particles in a cloud gradually reduce random motions.
·      Formation of Circular Orbits Collisions between gas particles also reduce up and down motions.
****Why does the Disk Flatten? ****
·      The spinning cloud flattens as it shrinks.
·      Formation of the Protoplanetary Disk Disks Around Other Stars
·      Observations of disks around other stars support the nebular hypothesis.
****Why are there two major types of planets? ****
·      As gravity causes the cloud to contract, it heats up.
·      Conservation of Energy Collapse of the Solar Nebula Inner parts of the disk are hotter than outer parts.
·      Rock can be solid at much higher temperatures than ice.
·      Temperature Distribution of the Disk and the Frost Line
·      Inside the frost line: Too hot for hydrogen compounds to form ices Outside the frost line: Cold enough for ices to form
·      Formation of Terrestrial Planets
·      Small particles of rock and metal were present inside the frost line.
·      Planetesimals of rock and metal built up as these particles collided.
·      Gravity eventually assembled these planetesimals into terrestrial planets
·      Tiny solid particles stick to form planetesimals.
·      Summary of the Condensates in the Protoplanetary Disk Gravity draws planetesimals together to form planets.
·      This process of assembly is called accretion. Summary of the Condensates in the Protoplanetary Disk
·      Accretion of Planetesimals
·      Many smaller objects collected into just a few large ones.
·      Formation of Jovian Planets
·      Ice could also form small particles outside the frost line.
·      Larger planetesimals and planets were able to form.
·      The gravity of these larger planets was able to draw in surrounding H and He gases.
·      The gravity of rock and ice in jovian planets draws in H and He gases.
·      Nebular Capture and the Formation of the Jovian Planets Moons of jovian planets form in miniature disks.
·      Radiation and outflowing matter from the Sun — the solar wind — blew away the leftover gases. The Solar Wind
****Where did asteroids and comets come from? ****
·      Asteroids and Comets
·      Leftovers from the accretion process
·      Rocky asteroids inside frost line
·      Icy comets outside frost line Heavy Bombardment
·      Leftover planetesimals bombarded other objects in the late stages of solar system formation
·      Origin of Earth’s Water
·      Water may have come to Earth by way of icy planetesimals from the outer solar system.
***How do we explain the existence of our Moon and other exceptions to the rules?*
·      Captured Moons
·      The unusual moons of some planets may be captured planetesimals.
·      Odd Rotation
·      Giant impacts might also explain the different rotation axes of some planets.
·      Review of nebular theory
·      There are two main types of planets: terrestrial and jovian.
·      Planets orbit in the same direction and plane.
·      Asteroids and comets exist.
·      There are four terrestrial and four jovian planets.
·      There are two main types of planets: terrestrial and jovian.
·      Planets orbit in the same direction and plane.
·      Asteroids and comets exist.
·      There are four terrestrial and four jovian planets.
****When did the planets form? ****
·      We cannot find the age of a planet, but we can find the ages of the rocks that make it up.
·      We can determine the age of a rock through careful analysis of the proportions of various atoms and isotopes within it.
·      Radioactive Decay
·      Some isotopes decay into other nuclei.
·      A half-life is the time for half the nuclei in a substance to decay
·      Age dating of meteorites that are unchanged since they condensed and accreted tells us that the solar system is about 4.6 billion years old.
·      Dating the Solar System Dating the Solar System
·      Radiometric dating tells us that the oldest moon rocks are 4.4 billion years old.
·      The oldest meteorites are 4.55 billion years old.
·      Planets probably formed 4.5 billion years ago.

1 comment:

Eduardo Cantoral said...

Tomorrow we will study terrestrial planets. Chapter 7.

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