Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Could Another Chelyabinsk-Scale Meteor Sneak Up on Us? | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Could Another Chelyabinsk-Scale Meteor Sneak Up on Us? | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network:

 "When a 17-meter asteroid barreled into Earth’s atmosphere over central Russia on February 15, releasing a powerful shock wave that injured more than 1,000 people, many observers wondered how such a momentous event could arrive unheralded. The fact is, the object that exploded in a fireball over Chelyabinsk, releasing hundreds of kilotons of energy, was small potatoes. There may be millions of comparably sized objects in the inner solar system, only a small fraction of which have been discovered. The searches to date have been focused on tracking much larger dino-killers and other potentially catastrophic asteroids and comets—those objects larger than about one kilometer. So the door has been open to unpleasant but ultimately survivable asteroid surprises."

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