Monday, February 24, 2014

A variant of the Titius-Bode Law

A variant of the Titius-Bode Law:

"The study of the geometric distribution of the planets invariably mentions the Titius Bode law as an attempt to classify their heliocentric distances through a succession of integer numbers. With the discovery of more planetary objects better support is given to the basic principle of the law through their orbital parameters. We briefly refer to a classification of orbital parameters using Kepler's proportionality parameter and discuss the problem of applying the TB Law to extrasolar systems. We also review work by various authors who have proposed functions which reproduce with some degree of certainty the planetary heliocentric distances, and we compare them to our variant of the Titius-Bode Law."

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Georgi Gladyshev said...

Dear Colleague,
I am sending you the information. Have a look at it please.
Georgi Gladyshev
Professor of Physical Chemistry

Periodical structures of clouds are a result of supersaturating. It is the analog of regular planetary structures.
Titius - Bode law (Liesegang)
There is proposed a hypothesis according to which the regular structure of planetary and satellites systems (and in some cases periodical structures of clouds) can be explained as a consequence of spatially periodic condensation of gaseous matter during the formation of the Central Body.
According to the hypothesis, the periodic condensation on cosmic scales is analogous to the Liesegang phenomenon. Calculations indicate that the hypothesis is in agreement with certain facts: the mechanism of condensation under consideration does not contradict the basic laws of diffusion (mass transfer) and s number of physical models:
Now the Titius-Bode law sometimes helps to find new exoplanets!
According to the model Saturn is younger Earth. Titan is younger than Saturn! See also: !
The violation of law may be in the latter stages of the evolution of planetary and satellite systems as a consequence of the action of gravitational forces or changes of physic - chemical conditions in protodisk.

Georgi Gladyshev said...

Dear Colleague,
I am sending you the information. Have a look at it please.
Georgi Gladyshev
Professor of Physical Chemistry

Georgi Gladyshev said...

Dear colleague,
Have a look at please:

“The pioneering cosmology of Georgi Gladyshev [originally published in 1977] embodies the concept of As Above, So Below by explicitly stating that “Liesegang’s theory of periodic condensation can be used to explain the empirical Titius-Bode rule of planetary (satellite) distances”.
“Perhaps, in the longer term, it may be possible to develop a synthesis cosmology based upon the intriguing ideas of Georgi Gladyshev, Timo Niroma, Johannes Kepler and Robert James Moon.”

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