Tuesday, February 25, 2014

[physics/0503079] Little Black Holes as Dark Matter Candidates with Feasible Cosmic and Terrestrial Interactions

[physics/0503079] Little Black Holes as Dark Matter Candidates with Feasible Cosmic and Terrestrial Interactions:

Little black holes (LBH) contribute to the accelerated expansion of the Universe, and interact with stars, neutron stars, and planets. A range of proposals are reviewed in which LBH are considered to be a component of dark matter/dark energy. A LBH is a candidate for the 1908 devastation of Tungus Siberia, as important LBH interactions were overlooked. LBH passing through neutron star pulsars are capable of causing a change in. Energy input due to the passage of LBH through the earth, sun, and neutron stars is examined to determine if they could initiate tremors and quakes in such bodies. In encounters with the earth.s atmosphere, LBH can manifest themselves as the core energy source of ball lightning (BL). Relating the LBH incidence rate on earth to BL occurrence has the potential of shedding light on the distribution of LBH in the universe, and their velocities relative to the earth. Most BL features can be explained by a testable LBH model. The total number of degrees of freedom of a d-dimensional body in n-space is derived so that equipartition of energy may be applied in the early universe. Blackbody and Hawking radiation are generalized to n-space. The entropy of LBH and of the universe are examined. The largest possible attractive force, repulsive force, and luminosity in nature are considered in the context of LBH. A question is raised as to whether the Planck scale is truly fundamental. The gravitational fine structure constant is re-examined.

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