Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fateful Day

Today Kiev had a change of government, and Mexico ended one terrible era. My reflections here have a level of certainty, I will say above 50%. A few years ago I saw the Libyan Government collapse, and believed that that country still had many years of struggle to achieve something close to the progress of the Mexican Revolution of 1910, say. I was right, Libya is still in turmoil, just think of Benghazi.  The whole Arab Spring is up in the air, the way I see it. To begin with, it is difficult to know if there is progress in the Universe. The standard Big Bang model, does not address progress. There was a beginning, around fourteen billion years ago, and now we believe there won't be a collapse; instead we expect a constant accelerated motion going forward. Stars are born and die, as well as galaxies. We do not see a Confederation of Planets getting better and better organized, just our little blue planet, completely isolated up to now. All that Darwin's evolutionary idea postulates, is that as time passes, some living creatures stay and, some disappear. Besides the almost tautological description of the survival of the fittest, I do not know which species to bet on.

Then, is Mexico entering a New Era, and Ukraine joining the Democratic West?

Today's events can be seen in the general context of a stubborn global recession. Mexico is in NAFTA, and it will remain in this economic zone, for many years to come. If I had money I'll put it there, and not in Libya. Stratford just released an immediate reaction to its clients, regarding these Mexican events, predicting violence there, until the drug lords find their equilibrium points. My prognosis is different.

I have little to say on Ukraine, I'm not from there. 

Today was a fateful day for Mexico. I expect tons of money to develop oil reserves in that country. The way I see it, the main obstacle to that development, were Mr. Joaquin Guzman Loera's, a.k.a. El Chapo, armies of corruption, that metastasized, like cancer, in the Mexican Body politic. 

Today Mexico got a shot, of strong medicine.

I wish them well.

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