Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Relevant Science is an effort to make science relevant for everyday life. The effort was started when the author was a high school teacher, and even though students were bright, they did not get as involved with the material, as the professor did. 

Several years later the site has changed depending on the interests of the author; making an effort to keep the material interesting for readers. This comment has to do with the series of links posted here for explosions. Professor Alexei Vladimir Filippenko in his course: Understanding the Universe, tells the story of his high school years in Goleta, California, where he presented an explosion, as part of his academic work. He kept that interest to the present day, he is the world's expert on the spectroscopic study, of the biggest explosions we know about, and has the biggest collection of them in the world: Supernovae Ia explosions

How are they relevant?

Besides of the fact that some people are fascinated by explosions, we can say that we wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for those supernovae explosions. They form the triad  with Fe being one of the most abundant metals on Earth. Look around you, and very likely you'll see some iron.

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