Sunday, July 29, 2007

More Cubans Leaving By Sea Again, Many to Mexico

HAVANA (Reuters) - After a lull following Fidel Castro's illness last year, Cubans once again are taking to homemade boats or powerful speedboats manned by smugglers on a trip to the United States that often includes a detour through Mexico.

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Unknown said...

I am from South Florida and my grandparents lived in Miami when the earlist exodus and flotillas began. I was a very small child, and periodically visited my grandparents house as their neighborhood became predominantly Cuban-American. There were many Cuban kids in the neighborhood, and we were very curious about each other, and I had a lot of fun learning to communicate and take part in whatever the kids were up to, even though I hardly ever had a clue what was being said.

I guess that there will be some new, "Little Havanas" built now.

I also spent a lot of time vacationing in Earnest Hemmingway's, "islands in the stream", but Cuba is like a dream to me. I can only imagine how wonderful it is to visit.

Eduardo Cantoral said...

When I was a teenager, the Cuban kids were staying with their parents one house down the block from our apartment in Mexico City. Most of them finally ended up in "Little Havana" in Miami.

And life goes on. I hope the Cubans can reunite during my lifetime.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to likely at this time, and Fidel's brother is also pretty old, but you have to suspect that things will only get worse from there, before they gets better. I hope I'm wrong.

Many American-Cubans will be torn between countries even so, I think, because a lot of them have well-established roots in both countries now.

Wow, it's less than 90 miles to Key West from Cuba, but now they have to go thousands of miles out of their way to get to Miami.

Life... esta la grand puta!... ;)

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