Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Savage Detectives and Easy Rider

I just finished reading The Savage Detectives, by Roberto Bolaño. I see similarities with the cult movie Easy Rider by Dennis Hopper.
As a matter of fact there is a reference in the Detectives on Easy Rider.
The crucial line, for me, is when the poet Juan Garcia Madero tells his lover Lupe, that Arturo Belano said that they got Cesarea Tinajero killed, we messed up (la cagamos) said Belano. She represents Poetry. The equivalent scene in Easy Rider is when Wyatt (Fonda) tells Billy (Hopper) that they messed up.
I think Roberto Bolaño was in love with Poetry and died for it at the tender age of fifty (1953-2003).
He was a great man.

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