Monday, April 16, 2012

Amazon vs. Apple

This looks more interesting than the Trayvon Martin's family vs. George Zimmerman fight!

You can read below the article in the NYT by David Carr on this issue.

I do write - this blog, and some others, are examples. I have around a hundred visitors a day in this blog, and charge exactly $0.00 !

This is going to be interesting.

Full disclosure: I pay the same amount to sources I post on this blog.

This place is all fame and glory, and no money.

To be fair, I do not pay lawyers either, only doctors, H&R Block agents, and dentists; I am 62!

I believe I have a lot to say, regular readers to my posts may attest to that, my students in the classroom also. I am opinionated and I have read a lot. I remember reading "Tiempo," when I was a teenager; somehow it got to our house in Mexico City, my father brought it. At UCSB I used to go to the library frequently to read about current events. I knew about Patty Hearst and the Symbionese Liberation Army,  about blackouts in New York City, and the ensuing looting. Nowadays I read the New York Times and La Jornada in Mexico. Also I have thought about many issues, mainly scientific ones, and I am glad I can share with a few readers whatever interests me.

Amazon sells e-books, and Apple mainly music and video.

I expect the Internet to stay in business as long as there is civilization. The dot com bubble was just the beginning, now we have a tsunami. Twenty first century citizens not using the Internet are a dying group. Kids took to it, like ducks to water, they are a new kind of animal. If I keep writing for free is because I am homesteading the noosphere, as my friend Eric S. Raymond, so aptly put it.

Obama's Justice Department is setting the playing field for competition.

Right now, this field is bumpy, but I expect great things from president Obama.

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