Wednesday, June 13, 2012

30 Terrific Twitter Hashtags for Science Teachers

Ubiquitous and, yes, occasionally eye-searingly obnoxious as they are, Twitter hashtags do actually serve a useful purpose.

No, seriously. They do.

Hashtags allow microbloggers to tag their postings and participate in discussions about everything from current events to what can only be described as “God help us all.” So, obviously, more enterprising educators and professionals out there discovered ways to use them in the interest of progressing humanity’s inquiries into anything and everything. Science, being one of the more notable inquiries into anything and everything, thrives here. Anyone tasked with teaching kids (or even adults) of all ages might want to mosey over to some of the following examples — which cover a wide range of fields as well as general education — and check out the great resources and talks they have to offer the scientific classroom.

  1. #scienceed: Obviously, it makes sense that science educators would flock to a Twitter tag bringing together not only teacher types, but professionals and institutions (like some pretty neat museums!) as well.
  2. #scichat: This general talk about all things related to the sciences will inevitably dredge up some great pointers and reads to supplement classroom discussions — or merely some fun side reading when the kiddos are taking tests.
  3. #science: Get blinded with #science and hop on one of the most active relevant hashtags on the prolific microblogging site; no matter the area of inquiry, educators will most certainly find something of interest if they can keep up with the constant updates!
  4. #physics: Neil deGrasse Tyson uses this one every once in a while, which ought to prove more than enough incentive to hop in and learn a thing or two about how the world keeps itself a-spinnin’.
  5. #scienceteacher: Talk here proves relatively light when compared to the resource-and-discussion-heavy links listed, but educators looking to exchange a few laughs and stories will still appreciate what #scienceteacher offers.
  6. #scienceteachers: Pluralize the previous entry for even more good times with fellow science educators, though keep in mind that its content remains the same.
  7. #technology: #technology makes it easier than ever to answer that one snarky little rapscallion who always asks why exactly the class needs to know any of this stuff once they finally hit the real world.
  8. #sciencenews: Use this hashtag to stay on top of interesting news stories and research from all around the exciting and shiny world of sexy, sexy science.
  9. #biology: Listen in on what fellow teachers, professionals, institutions, and even students have to say about the basics of biology — though watch out whenever finals time rolls around.
  10. #edchat: Just because it doesn’t exclusively involve science doesn’t mean #edchat isn’t worth following. As one of Twitter’s largest gatherings of teachers, it provides some awesome general advice and ongoing discussions about the education industry.
  11. #math: Science and math sometimes enjoy sharing walks on the beach at sunset, so well-rounded teachers in the latter would do well to get their voyeur on and explore their intimate interconnections here.
  12. #CERN: The European Organization for Nuclear Research, responsible for the Large Hadron Collider, enjoys its very own hashtag cobbling together news and views regarding its search for the Higgs-Boson and more.
  13. #climatechange: Lurk or participate in an ongoing talk one of the most controversial science-related issues today — whether or not global warming is a thing that exists and why (or why not) governments need to pass legislation preventing it from getting worse.
  14. #chemistry: Use this hashtag for connecting with anyone and everyone who respects chemistry (well, and some who don’t), though be forewarned that students sometimes pop in here to complain about their assignments and tests with alarming frequency.
  15. #edtechchat: Tech-savvy teachers who want to incorporate the latest and greatest in education-enabling digital (and not-so-digital) devices will absolutely love the incredibly popular #edtechchat for following news and trading advice about some sweet, innovative applications.
  16. #geology: Rocks rock (that joke has never been made), and any educator who feels that way can hop onto this Twitter talk involving current events in the geology industry and the opinions swirling about them.
  17. #anatomy: Unfortunately, #anatomy requires sifting through the juvenilia one would expect, but biology teachers with a strong stomach (all of them, in other words) can still follow it for some great photos and charts about the human body’s myriad intricacies.
  18. #NASA: Perfect for classrooms who dream of the stars, this busy little hashtag involves both current events, past initiatives, and global opinions about America’s aviation and space exploration juggernaut.
  19. #ecosystems: The eclectic #ecosystems Twitter chat is perfect for the science teacher who wants to teach his and/or her students about the delicate environments that keep the planet going.
  20. #lifesciences: For a broader look at all the things going down in the botanical, zoological, and environmental science spheres, check out everything on board at #lifesciences.
  21. #teachers: No matter what subject they focus on, teachers network here and trade classroom strategies, talk politics, share stories, and plenty more.
  22. #sciam: Scientific American magazine boasts its very own hashtag joining its accounts together and inviting readers to comment on the latest research. Hit it up when looking for something new and current to share with students — or just enjoying it because it’s awesome.
  23. #genetics: When looking for new opinions and findings regarding the very components of life itself to share or supplement, head to #genetics first.
  24. #astronomy: Some of Twitter’s most gorgeous photographs of outer space call this hashtag home, though the research, news, talks, opinions, and more definitely make it a worthwhile read as well.
  25. #scienceblogging: Science bloggers in the know use the #scienceblogging tag to direct readers to content about pretty much every field and relevant opinion out there, providing educators an eclectic resource for staying current in whichever branch they love.
  26. #computerscience: Perfect for the classroom focusing on writing up bleepy, bloopy digital goodness. #computerscience bursts at the seams with just about everything visitors can expect, both good and things that make you go, “The Internet, everybody!”
  27. #STEM: Seeing as how science teachers stand at the forefront of STEM education, the prudent thing to do is make an effort to stay current on what all feeds into it.
  28. #school: Considering its broad nature, #school sees postings both useful and useless about the political, social, and professional elements of the education system.
  29. #socialscience: Yes, psychology, sociology, and the like are still sciences. Deal with it. All of them come together here for a diverse glimpse into the “softer” side of the spectrum.
  30. #nutrition: Encourage microblogging students to keep track of #nutrition and watch firsthand how their lessons apply to the real world. As a bonus, it also teaches them how to make healthy choices when noshing on some noms.
Taken From Online Degrees

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